What the Robin Knows

Anyone else read this? I bought it on a holiday in California a couple of years ago and have only just got around to reading it! The author is highly skilled in tracking (Native American-style) and has used this to explore bird behaviour - in particular their companion and warning calls - and what birds can teach us about the natural world in general. All reference points and birds mentioned are by definition American (it’s not ‘our’ Robin in the title), which I didn’t mind so much as I have family in Canada and have enjoyed the challenge of identifying new (to me) species when I’ve been out there. I do think that some of the tips he gives and things he has to say would translate to here, even if some of this guy’s knowledge is rather specialised - there’s a link to a whole audio collection online which can be accessed and listened to in conjunction with some of the chapters - and a little over my (fairly casual) head. Interesting read, though.

Please feel free to take a look at my blog - http://nick-young.blogspot.com/