Skylarks with Rosie A Somerset Spring

This latest book from another of my favourite nature writers, Stephen Moss, is a description of a birders view of the first thirteen weeks of  the 2020 lockdown. Like most of us Stephen was grounded in his own local patch, in his case a corner of the Somerset Levels. After a brief virtual tour of the Loop which was going to be the limit of his wanderings we get a weekly round up of what he and his family  have seen and heard. Sometimes they took to their bikes but Rosie their Fox red Labrador needed at least one walk a day and there is some good descriptions of the arrival of Spring and the visitors that come with it. It would probably be hard a book about that period without politics coming into it somewhere but this is never too heavy. Most of us will have our own stories about what we did in the lockdown, a bit like Grandads war tales, but not many will write them down the same as they are in this little book. As an avid reader of nature books especially UK nature this is another that will stay in my collection rather than ending up in the charity shop like poorer ones do.


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can