Red 67

I'm glad I got this book before the start of lockdown as it's an essential read.  For those not familiar with the green, amber and red lists it covers all 67 birds on the UK Red List, as well as three which were on the Red List and have now dropped off our list of British birds entirely.  Some of the inclusions are shocking.  I'd recommend everyone who cares about our birdlife get this book as all of the profits will go to the BTO and the RSPB to continue their work on these birds.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Welcome back Clare. I’ve missed your posts over recent years. I’ve sent you a private message. Hope you are well and nice to see you back. Are you still volunteering at Minsmere as you did mention that over many years when you posted regularly on here. Anyway nice to see you back, unless I’ve missed your posts recently

