RSPB Ver Birds of Europe, Middle East & N Africa

Am currently trying to clear my parents house and have found a full 10 volume set of the RSPB published Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa in virually mint condition. This was an RSBP edition of 5000 sets in 10 Volumes. (Weight a ton)

Oxford University Press 1977 Editor Cramp Stanley et all. Not sure my father ever really used them, bought them and put them in the bookcase never to be looked at. Some still have the original receipt in them from the RSPB. I am not sure what to do with them, so was wondering if anybody knew if there might be a market for the complete set.

I would appreciate if anyone has any suggestions.


  • Hi Tony,  sounds a fabulous set of books, well looked after.  I found a website selling a set which sounds the same, although you say 10 volumes,   this is 9 volumes.   Maybe it will give you an idea of prices you may be able to get for the set.   Good luck.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi,

    Although now long out of date in many respects, B.W.P. is still a standard reference for birds in Europe, the middle-east and north Africa, and includes a lot of detailed information that won't be found in most other bird books. There is therefore still a market for the books (although it is a nine volume set, not ten).

    The RSPB edition is not likely to sell for a higher price than any other edition, despite being a limited edition, because it was not the first print run.

    Realistically, even in perfect condition I would think that you would be likely to receive £25-30 per volume (perhaps £250-300 for the complete set), but you might have to price them lower if you want a quick sale.

    They are not a difficult set of books to find on sale, and because of the weight (and therefore high cost if they have to be posted) the price that you might get for them will largely depend on whether there is someone local who wants a complete set - and how much they are willing to pay.

  • Hi Hazel & RoyW, thanks for your feedback, your right it is a set of 9 volumes, the 10th book is The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland by the BTO & Irish Wildlife Conservancy by J T R Sharrock, complete with a set of overhead transparencies on environmental factors (that dates the book), think it's a first ed of 1976.

    Not exactly bedtime reading & a bit dry for my birding level. I guess will try eBay first off. Thanks


  • Good luck Tony, some lucky bidder will get a very nice set of books to enjoy for years.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I hope you get a good price. It's a great set of books for anyone with a serious interest in European birds, containing a wealth of information on things like moult timings, food, calls and behaviour that most books don't have the space to cover.

    I would expect that you might be able to get £10 for the bird atlas, perhaps a little more if you are lucky and it's in perfect condition, but it's obviously very out of date. The 'overhead transparencies' are actually overlays for the maps in the book. There should be 12 in total I believe, and these often aren't with copies that are offered for sale so make sure that you mention them because they will make your copy more appealing than many of the others that are available.

  • Thanks Roy, perhaps I should get them listed soon in case anyone wants them for Xmas.