Does anybody know about Spain's guidebooks?

I would like knowing about publishing houses interested about Spain's guidebooks.

Thanks in advance

  • Hi! i'm looking for those ones which will be interested about publishing one new guide i'm writting currently.

  • You are very kind! Thank you very much. The guidebok i'm writting is about natural routes around the  mountain-range of Los Guajares near the Costa del Sol ('sunny coast') in southern Spain.

  • Not sure how big you want to go with your publishing David but if it is smaller scale then BLURB could be the answer,  you can publish your own book via the website and there are options to sell on it too.     Probably not what you are looking for it it is major publishing but it is a good site for photo books, etc.,


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazy. It is very useful for me. I think it will be in a small scale. I think a guide written in english will be helpful for british people by here.

  • Sounds good David and I wish you the best of luck with it;  I have used Blurb before for my own coffee table book of photos and the quality and finished article was superb.  The costing is clearly laid out once you have chosen the many options for size of book, quality of paper, cover type and quanity required, etc.,      


    Regards, Hazel