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A question for all forum users about the home page

Just recently we have been contacted by a few members of the forum who have been having issues with the home page and we have also noted a few threads and comments on the same topic. The main concerns are that interesting topics may get buried and questions may go unanswered. As we cannot make any technical changes to the forum, we wanted to run a suggestion by you to see what you think about an idea that may help to improve things.

On the home page you will notice that we can make certain threads sticky. What we are proposing is that the moderators during their daily patrols around the forums select interesting threads from around the site and make them sticky for a day to allow ease of viewing. We would welcome your feedback on this idea.

Best wishes

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I have only discovered this thread right now. Since this is essentially about LG threads I guess I should make the members of the Loch Garten group aware of it.

    The reality is most members of the Loch Garten group never look at the home page.

    Also if you look over history the Loch Garten Group is responsible for aboout  95 out of the 100 longest threads in the whole forum.

    There are also good historical reasons why things are as they are. Threads may look similar but they are different for various reasons not obvious unless you are an active member of the group.


  • Good morning,

    I agree Tiger, some threads may appear simmilar it is not untill one acctually gets into it and reads or becomes involved that the differences show.

    As for missing some information, that is just life, I can't be everywhere at the same time so inevitably I will miss something, having a variety of overlapping threads does help get round this. As information is passed from thread to thread.

    I'd say just leave well alone...

    All for one and one for all.


  • Thanks to Tiger for mentioning this thread.  

    Sparrow - does it not occur to you that maybe we on the LG group are there because that is where we want to be, and feel ourselves welcome and at home? 'Integrating' with the rest of the Community isn't going to happen, and you can't force it if individuals aren't interested.

    Speaking personally (as someone with a full-time job and a home & garden to look after), much as I would like to explore further, I just plain don't have time, especially in the breeding season - which of course coincides with the time when the garden also needs most attention! I'm an all-round birder, but keeping up to date with LG (and through that, with the other monitored osprey nests) is as much as I have time for - and I'm exceedingly grateful that the LG group has expanded to cover the other nests, so I can get all the osprey news in one place. I need to keep a bit of time free for 'real life' - not least, getting out and enjoying the 'live' wildlife in my local area!

    Re 'duplicated' threads - we discussed this on the group a few weeks ago when this last came up, and concluded that there weren't any threads we could lose, without making those that remained even more unwieldy. New threads are established by consensus, because they are needed. The few genuine duplicates which occasionally arise are mostly by newcomers to the group, or 'news flashes', which very quickly drop off the active list (not least with the encouragement of respected regulars like Tiger, directing posts to the appropriate established threads). There is a lot of friendly, informal, and very effective self-moderation which those outside the LG group may not be aware of.

  • Tiger. Thank you for pointing this out on the LG page, I guess most of us just go the Daily update. Like you I never go to the home page. I agree with you and BJ. If any other threads interest you ie: Loch of Lowes,Rutland you can check them out and 'Mark as read' any others.

  • Yep, I agree with Tiger, BJ, Rachel and Mike, and I AM an active member of the LG group. I hardly ever go to the home page.

  • Have to say I agree with Tiger, BJ, Rachel, and Mike.  Can't see the point of merging any LG threads because any LG group regular would agree that the vast majority of the threads are there for very good reason, and the very few duplicates that occur quickly vanish from view.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • I would leave the forum threads as they are. I find myself looking at old threads from time back for research information and for historical reasons.

    If I can not find what I am looking for the members on "Our" pages are generally very helpful and reference the posting for you. We are all friends on here and come here because of our common interest.

    There are a few threads that become two/three item postings but generally these are from people who have posted for the first time and are not aware how to post and sometimes start a thread by error (These could be removed) or likewise threads that are not used for a considerable time.

    To me the LG threads are an encylopedia of Osprey information - and there is nothing like it any where else at a finger tip so please let us not put our library in the recycle bin.

    I never look at the home page and do not even know how to navigate there.

  • This is the link for the community home page:

    It lists all threads across all of the RSPB forums including all groups, the ones most recently posted to at the top as usual. It's a convenient way to find the newest and most active threads.

  • aiki said:

    This is the link for the community home page:

    It lists all threads across all of the RSPB forums including all groups, the ones most recently posted to at the top as usual. It's a convenient way to find the newest and most active threads.

    I use the home page and there are lots of small threads on it. Each of the Loch Garten thread are huge. Do you seriously want the Loch Garten posters who are already reponsible for 95 of the 100 longest threads in the forum to make even longer threads?



  • I was wondering if there was some way we could 'ignore' threads listed on the home page.

    I don't mean that in a nasty way.

    I do use the 'unread' and 'my disscussions' but there are still some threads I would like to see taken off the list that I see,not that these threads are uninteresting to many people but that I do not always want to see them.

    Maybe the full list could still be shown elsewhere.

    Not sure if I have explained myself very well but hope you get the gist! :)

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.