Was just looking through posts and as has been said by quite a few, it would be nice to know who started the thread?
So as we have had to come up with solutions for other aspects of the new forum. I suddenly thought that we could solve this ourselves - pop our forum name at the start of the thread, bingo, you know who started the thread. I know this is a simple idea + that the mods are looking at many of the ideas thatb we have suggested to make things easier here but in the mean time this might work.
So what do others think? Is this a good idea or just a bit daft? Just an idea that can easily be ignored if folk would prefere.
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Ooops, and we thought it was a good idea! What a shame the software won't allow the originator's name, it was so useful and in my opinion necessary. It's impossible to remember everyone's avatar., but better than nothing I suppose.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
It might help if the avatars were bigger and we could actually see what the picture is!!!
Maybe we should all change our avatars to an image of our name rather than a picture!
Sorry, never meant to cause any MORE problems for the forum!! But as a temporary solution it was working!!
It is increasingly feeling restricted here :-(( It is still harder to navigate around the forum, if a wee bit beter than at first. We now do not know who started a thread, no idea how many posts folk have written or where they are from, tiny wee avatars, no latest post tab + still no smillies/birdies!! Hey ho; not sure this all makes me feel that sure of where, we as the users of the forum stand?
There is NO other forum that I've ever visited (I'm not saying there aren't any) where the original author of a thread is not noted on the board, alongside how many replies + views there have been to the thread.
The new software seems very limited for forum use.
I appreciate that there is no way back, but it does quite often feel, we take 1 step forward + 3 back + any solution to try to help folk feel more at ease appears to make things difficult {shrug} with the software.
A small avatar would be better than nothing, but on my tiny wee screen I'm not sure if I will be able to see them. I do appreciate that lots have much larger screens than I, so at least a step in the right direction.
Trying to stay positive, but still finding it less user friendly than before the 'regrade' due to the afore mentioned. As it is there are valued members of the community that are silent at the moment. I do hope that they return + that we loose no more due to the continuing issues.
lorraine r said: I agree with Sparrow that it is necessary to see who the author of the thread is.
I do have issues concerning the new layout, but I don't think it is necessary to know who the author of a thread is. I ask the question - why does it matter If the author is identified or not, what is the difficulty? It is the subject of the post which should be foremost.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
I think it is necessary to see who the starter of the thread is. We always knew who started threads before. However, according to Graham, it can't be done, and there are no plans to investigate it further.
So it looks like we will all either have to put our user names in our threads from now on or remain anonymous
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
I personally am lost without knowing who started the thread, and waste a lot of time opening threads I have already replied to (especially to newbies where the title is normally just "Hello" )and would ask people to rack their brains to see if it can be done some other way. We have already been told off for adding our names to the title due to issues with the search box. Maybe someone can think of another way?
The thread that Woodpecker linked to is the status of this.
This thread is now locked.
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