Mike, Limpy and Clare go to The Lodge to talk about the Community.

On Friday 6th June we arrived at The Lodge - it was a beautiful day:

On arriving in the reception area we met Mike, Mrs T and Maurice Tse-Laurence - once we were signed in we headed for a quiet spot in the garden to chat about the Community and some of the problems.  The excellent Mrs T (Claire) had come equipped with a note pad and pen (thankfully, as we hadn't) and we put some of our points and questions to Claire and Maurice:

We learned one thing affecting the site speed considerably is at certain times of day the site sends out news to people who have subscribed to that service - the chances are that when the site slows right down it is trying to cope with running the Community and sending out news at the same time.

The Community is, to a degree, a victim of its own success - when it was first started the RSPB genuinely had no inkling of how many people would take to it, and the reality took them by surprise.  They were delighted at the level of success but have struggled to keep up with the sheer amount of information to appear.  We suggested they needed to make more use of the Community as we think it is a perfect way to show off the RSPB and its work.

We discussed archiving as a way to potentially create more space for newer posts and photos - Mike commented that Rutland Water had successfully done this with its older blogs - the main concern was how much to archive, and where to put the archived material.  It was also suggested that past post of users who no longer post on the Community might be archived.  We also expressed a wish that the archived material should be accessible in some way.  Claire and Maurice said they would look into this.

We brought up the recent survey which appeared on the Technical Difficulties thread - happily, Maurice had already tweaked this so you can tell it what problem is being experienced.  We have personally found it useful.

Glitches like posts and threads disappearing and reappearing, missing reply buttons, rich formatting and error messages are all being looked into - we are awaiting a response.

As to communication levels - the problem is that there aren't too many people at the head office to regularly post on the threads, which leaves teams like IT having to choose between sorting the problems or talking to us.

We also brought up the subject of Good Egg Awards - Claire and Maurice couldn't think of any good reason these had been stopped and they both felt that special posts should be recognised.  We look forward to hearing to a response on that one.

Finally we raised the dreaded question of whether the Community will continue to exist as part of the RSPB's website.  The impression we were given was that both Claire and Maurice were in favour of the Community continuing but we were not given a definite yes or no answer.  I think it's possible that this is being discussed at a higher level.

At this point I would like to give our sincere thanks to Claire and Maurice for making time to meet us all to discuss our points - they are clearly very busy so it was very much appreciated by the three of us!  We would also like to congratulate Claire on her well-deserved promotion.  Clare (my wife) and I would also like to thank Mike for joining us - he actually stayed overnight in the area so he could accompany us.  His input  was most valuable and very appreciated.

We will follow this up in the future as and when more answers appear.

We did take a while to have a quick look at this very beautiful reserve - poor Limpy was tired out by then and needed a lift:

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • I'd like to add my thanks as well. Although alternatives like Facebook have their place, this forum seems to me at least to be one of the most interesting and civilised forums on the web. As someone who is meant to be an expert at online delivery (or at least, that's what they pay me for ;-) I haven't encountered anything better and I've been online since the mid-nineties.

    "Let loose the Kraken!"

  • Like others have said,thanks for taking the interest and time to discuss the problem with those concerned many,myself included tend to work round what we have got instead of trying to sort the problems out with those who may be able to change things.As for the Good Egg badges,to me it is more important to have a well run forum than awards but there again I have never had,and not likely to have,such an award,those who have them have deserved them so I can understand the interest.Once again thanks for trying.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I am sorry if some of you feel that the Good egg award scheme was not worthy of our discussion. As a moderator I was asked about this scheme by Clare, Limpy and Mike and promised I would discuss this matter with my fellow moderators, which I have now done. It has been decided that this scheme will not be reinstated. We believe the use of the 'Like' button or simply adding a comment in response to a post is the most appropriate acknowledgement of a good post at this time.

    I am not in a position to answer queries on updates or make promises about when this information is available. This is also not what this thread is about.

  • Many thanks, Claire.  It was appreciated that you and the other Mods took the time to discuss the awards.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Thanks, Claire, that's appreciated.

    I'd like to say that the decision to meet with Claire and Maurice was made in a rather spur-of-the-moment way last month - it seemed obvious that the ongoing problems needed something more than regularly posting on the relevant thread and I have always believed that dealing with a problem face to face is much more effective than trying to communicate by phone, email, letter or social media.  I was really impressed by both Claire and Maurice - they clearly care about what is going on and are working hard to try to improve things for us all.  I do wish I'd had the idea months ago but I suppose it's better late than never.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.