Mike, Limpy and Clare go to The Lodge to talk about the Community.

On Friday 6th June we arrived at The Lodge - it was a beautiful day:

On arriving in the reception area we met Mike, Mrs T and Maurice Tse-Laurence - once we were signed in we headed for a quiet spot in the garden to chat about the Community and some of the problems.  The excellent Mrs T (Claire) had come equipped with a note pad and pen (thankfully, as we hadn't) and we put some of our points and questions to Claire and Maurice:

We learned one thing affecting the site speed considerably is at certain times of day the site sends out news to people who have subscribed to that service - the chances are that when the site slows right down it is trying to cope with running the Community and sending out news at the same time.

The Community is, to a degree, a victim of its own success - when it was first started the RSPB genuinely had no inkling of how many people would take to it, and the reality took them by surprise.  They were delighted at the level of success but have struggled to keep up with the sheer amount of information to appear.  We suggested they needed to make more use of the Community as we think it is a perfect way to show off the RSPB and its work.

We discussed archiving as a way to potentially create more space for newer posts and photos - Mike commented that Rutland Water had successfully done this with its older blogs - the main concern was how much to archive, and where to put the archived material.  It was also suggested that past post of users who no longer post on the Community might be archived.  We also expressed a wish that the archived material should be accessible in some way.  Claire and Maurice said they would look into this.

We brought up the recent survey which appeared on the Technical Difficulties thread - happily, Maurice had already tweaked this so you can tell it what problem is being experienced.  We have personally found it useful.

Glitches like posts and threads disappearing and reappearing, missing reply buttons, rich formatting and error messages are all being looked into - we are awaiting a response.

As to communication levels - the problem is that there aren't too many people at the head office to regularly post on the threads, which leaves teams like IT having to choose between sorting the problems or talking to us.

We also brought up the subject of Good Egg Awards - Claire and Maurice couldn't think of any good reason these had been stopped and they both felt that special posts should be recognised.  We look forward to hearing to a response on that one.

Finally we raised the dreaded question of whether the Community will continue to exist as part of the RSPB's website.  The impression we were given was that both Claire and Maurice were in favour of the Community continuing but we were not given a definite yes or no answer.  I think it's possible that this is being discussed at a higher level.

At this point I would like to give our sincere thanks to Claire and Maurice for making time to meet us all to discuss our points - they are clearly very busy so it was very much appreciated by the three of us!  We would also like to congratulate Claire on her well-deserved promotion.  Clare (my wife) and I would also like to thank Mike for joining us - he actually stayed overnight in the area so he could accompany us.  His input  was most valuable and very appreciated.

We will follow this up in the future as and when more answers appear.

We did take a while to have a quick look at this very beautiful reserve - poor Limpy was tired out by then and needed a lift:

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • Thank you,

    But as Mike is aware, I believe it will be down to cost and man management,even for us to continue with the situation, as we stand.

    I realise other media formats exist, but many of us old timers do not want to become involved,and enjoy what used to be the ease of using these groups.

    So as everyone says Fingers crossed.

    Watch this space!!!!!!


  • Thank you all for your very kind comments. The purpose was quite obviously to try and get an improvement to the operation of the site for all. The previous  comments seem to encompass exactly why we should persevere.

  • I agree with you Aiki, no way are you in a minority.

    The 'Good Egg' awards scheme has been discussed repeatedly and at great length after which it was abandoned. Please don't let us rake this up all over again.

    If you want to give kudos to a particular post then respond to it or 'like' it. Simple. There are lots of great posts around coming from all sorts of people. This is a community, not a well known food container products rally.

  • Limpy said:
    We also brought up the subject of Good Egg Awards - Claire and Maurice couldn't think of any good reason these had been stopped and they both felt that special posts should be recognised.  We look forward to hearing to a response on that one.

    Good Egg Awards have probably been the source of more conflict than anything else in the community with the possible exception of technical problems. 

    For the first and only time, last August,  the community was asked to vote on whether there should be good egg awards and here was the result

    While it is always good to see initiatives, if anything was to come come out of it from a technical viewpoint, why was it not done months ago, since it has been apparent that the software has been failing for a very long time? 

    Why are the RSPB so reluctant to be clear about whether these forums have a future or not?  By now they must know what they intend. 

    Really until a statement is made clarifying the future of the community it is pretty pointless discussing anything else. 

  • aiki said:
    I may be a minority of one but I would actually argue against reinstatement of the Good Egg awards.

    That makes a possible minority of 2.  I do agree with your comments.  It is always a personal viewpoint but I have never liked the idea of awards.  Like buttons are a bit better but I do like to see people's responses rather than just clicking something.

  • The awards idea could be very devisive We can and do show our appreciation to other posters Even commenting on what somebody has said means you have bothered to read it

    As an aside I just clicked LIKE on one of the posts and whilst the number appeared so did UNLIKE so it looks wrong That's not supposed o happen is it?

  • Now I've clicked UNLIKE to get rid of it and it has but also changed the number back???????

  • Thanks for the feedback folks, it may well be that our decision on good eggs may not change or we may think of another reward or 'like' scheme or may leave things as they are. The point is, we have listened and are now reviewing the situation.

  • patily said:
    As an aside I just clicked LIKE on one of the posts and whilst the number appeared so did UNLIKE so it looks wrong That's not supposed o happen is it?

    The 'unlike' button is there in case you want to retract your 'like' for whatever reason. The numbers will/should go up or down accordingly.

  • Just adding my thanks to the others expressed above:  I'm really grateful to you all for the time and trouble taken to meet and discuss these issues.