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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I hope I am not repeating myself or anyone else here but is a return to how the old profile activity list used to work on the cards? ie if we clicked on a post it would take us directly to that post in the thread.

  • ChloeB said:

    I hope I am not repeating myself or anyone else here but is a return to how the old profile activity list used to work on the cards? ie if we clicked on a post it would take us directly to that post in the thread.

    Yes this is in progress.... It may be a while before it's in (a few weeks), so bear with me!


  • ChloeB said:
    I see the upload images facility is now 'media' so presumably works for both video and images.

    It always has since the new system, you use the drop-down to select YouTube/URL.  The video insert box was always superfluous but a bit quicker, being "purpose-built".  "They" wouldn't worry about that, I imagine there are not many forums apart from LG Daily Update where speed is an issue, as we have to be snapshooting, capturing and editing video, uploading, posting, all whilst trying to keep up with live events.  I'm not aware of other areas on the site where that happens.

  • ChloeB said: a return to how the old profile activity list used to work on the cards? ie if we clicked on a post it would take us directly to that post in the thread.

    I've come up against the inconvenience of the current system twice this morning so I am very glad to see FRANKIE say that something will be done about it eventually.  As long as I know that something is "in hand" it's easy to be patient :-)  That's directed at someone who will never read this, I bet ;-)

  • Hi, I am having trouble posting photos within my thread posts, can only do one at a time as attachments.there seem to be no insert icons available to me.

    my photos on flickr. grandy253


  • Unknown said:

    Well this one was on me. It should be fixed now Seaman.

    Perhaps the lump hammer on my head would be better! ;)


    Should never abuse the workers,most of us have been there at some time or other.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:
    Notifications. I woke up this morning to 9 notifications. I clicked on one, read the thread and then looked for the other 8 and they had gone - I got a box saying "No notifications. Get busy in the Community".

    Exactly what I discovered last night. Yes that is worse than before.

  • I've just had this happen followed by a weird flashing/unstable screen when I clicked on the Community Home tag. I had to Force Quit the browser and start again.

    On the up-side, the speed is much faster than I've ever experienced and pages are loading quickly. Most of the problems I had in the first few days have been addressed.

  • Bob,this was noted a couple of days ago by,I think, Scylla. It came about when the RF system was changed.I personally thought it was useful but have not seen Frankie comment on it.

     EDIT. It was Scylla. Previous page at 0636.

  • I'm sure there is a simple answer to this query, but when I reply to a post a red "edit tags" note appears in the reply box.

    Any solutions?

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake