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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • TheBadgerOfLurve said:

    Problem requiring technical help please......

    My system is Windows XP, SP3

    Preferred browser for RSPB use is FireFox v.22.0, set up to use on startup many tabs and tab groups mostly based on RSPB Loch Garten threads.

    After this upgrade my FireFox browser is useless on startup as there is an unresponsive script error which locks up the browser. Stopping the script has no effect.

    I attach a screenshot showing the error message.

    I hope you will be able to advise on this problem. I am using Chrome to post this.

    Many thanks, tBoL

    EDIT..... My post took a good few seconds before it posted.

    I had posted on an unrefreshed page where when I looked later, Scvlla and TeeJav had posted. There had been a page change.

    Now when I go from previous page to new page, I find that the page goes to my post and NOT the top of the new page where SCYLLA and TeeJay had posted :-?

    I hope you can understand what I mean and offer some help on this. Thanks again. tBoL


    I have found a way to allow me to use Firefox and my numerous tabs and tabbed groups associated with the RSPB.....

    In a new Firefox window I used the tools to clear the RSPB cookies. This resulted in my being signed out of the RSPB site.

    On restarting Firefox I am now able to find my way back to where I left off on the many threads some weeks ago. At least I can now do a big catchup on the events of the last few weeks.

    However, if I sign back in to the site I end up with my unresponsive script problem and a locked up Firefox.

    I look forward to a solution to this problem.

    Many thanks, tBoL.


    Further update ...

    After days/weeks of clearing cookies and caches my unresponsive script problem was still there when I signed in to RSPB in FireFox. Deleting and closing my many RSPB tabs and tabbed groups did not help either.

    I then tried a little used alternative login on my PC. This would have different settings for the browsers. I found that after initially having to stop the unresponsive script when I signed in to RSPB. the site then behaved as normal. Great news. Changing back to my normal profile login, I then found the troubleshooting page in FireFox.....

    and pressed the 'Reset Firefox' button. Success :-) 

    BUT, Firefox is struggling to respond to change of page and refreshing a page. I am therefore going to use FireFox with the RSPB site NOT signed in. Any replies will be posted using Chrome. Not ideal but at least I can get things done. tBoL

  • TheBadgerOfLurve said:
    Firefox is struggling to respond to change of page and refreshing a page

    At this moment here, so are Chrome and Avant, they both gave me this:


    Travelling around to get to this thread I came across this:



    I'm signed in but not included :-/


    The site seems to have gone back to its bad old new-system ways.

  • Hi All, just a quick post. I was due to be updating you all today on where we're at and adding the items missed from the list.

    Unfortunately I've had to deal with a personal emergency this afternoon and therefore haven't managed to put the post together.

    I'll do this first thing (by 11am) Monday morning if that's ok?

    Once again, my apologies. Have a great weekend all.


  • Hi-

    no probs  if we all know we can sympathise- life gets in the way sometimes



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Frankie. Thank's for taking the time to explain. IIRC this is the second time you've had a problem so I'm sure we all wish you well. Best wishes and I'm sure we all hope things get better.

  • The LG forum is terribly slow today. Rich Formatting, Refresh, Reply... all taking ages to respond.  Plus I got this:


    It's very nippy by comparison in this section.

  • Currently totally stuck trying to post in the Daily Update, LG forum :-(

  • Since the last upgrade a number of items have gone missing from the Campfield Blog.

    1. On the homepage we had made a 'useful information'  file at the bottom right-hand of the page, to which we had added a series of files like Tide Timetables for the area, a local weather forecast and a series about local accommodation - to mention a few, which would be of use to visitors to the Reserve. The file containing this information has disappeared from the page and we cannot see how to restore it.
    2. Under 'daily page reviews and referrals', the referrals link has also gone missing.

    Also since the previous update we are still waiting for a solution to the incorrect 'blue links' on the Homepage, i.e. 'visit our forum' and 'view our photos' which both link back to our blog posts not to the forum and gallery.

    We would appreciate some help with these matters.

    John and Judith


  • Hi, I've updated the list to add in issues experienced since the previous update on 25th July 2013. You can read the update here:

    Tomorrow I'll be adding two threads, a technical issues thread and a feature requests thread.

    I really appreciate the levels of help between forum members in resolving issues or giving guidance to those that need it. It really helps us out!

    Tomorrow I'm going to close this thread off, and issues from here on in will need to be raised in the issues thread, this allows us to keep a close track of any problems you're experiencing.

    We seem to be having a number of spurious issues that occur for one or two users but not for the vast majority, I have, for now left these off the list, I suspect they're to do with browser caching, so I'll post up links to instructions on how to clear browser cache.

    Thanks for all your efforts people, we're still on track for an update to the community tomorrow, however, this is subject to change so it could be later this week if not tomorrow. When I know more, I'll let you know.



  • Unknown said:

    Frankie can you get MrsT or one of the mods to move Scylla's posts from yesterday to the daily update thread for sunday  in the LG group please so she doesn't lose them, she was having issues with posting and didn't realise they were in this thread.

    Hi Doggie,

    I'm seeing MrsT later to have a look through this and get the posts moved.

