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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Oops, shouldn't have said that! Now it is scrambled in Chrome too. What does that suggest?

  • WJ. I see your point about  individual updates. One member on here had troubles with IE 10 but on returning to IE 9 they were solved IIRC. I think it has also been said that whoever set up the new system should have catered for all the latest updates. Way beyond me but I do know that I only got on after 'clearing my cookies'.

    As for Chloe's ;last point re Chrome it could suggest that even as we 'speak' the techies are at work.Let's hope so.

  • I’ve tried a few alternatives as follows:

    Uploading photos

    Windows 8. IE 10

    Insert Image icon: Appears as a picture of a tiny laptop with a cross on it. Clicking it has no effect.

    Windows 8. Firefox (new install)

    Insert Image icon: Is present and allows the upload process to take place, but then an error message comes up.

    Windows 7. IE 10

    Insert Image icon: Is present but when I click it, the busy icon comes up and nothing happens even after an hour.

    Windows 7. Firefox (new install)

    As Windows 8.


    Mobile (Android)

    Can browse the forum when not signed in, but if I am signed in, can only look at one thread. If I try to move anywhere else, the browser terminates and I’m back on my home screen.

    So that’s 2 different computers with 2 different versions of windows, and 2 different browsers on each. The same problem occurs on each with the new browser (Firefox), but different problems on the old browser. We are all using the same software from RSPB, so the only other thing I can think of is that it’s something to do with our accounts as has already been mentioned.

    I agree with See Gull that we shouldn’t have to do this and I am no techie, but I’d just thought I do a bit of investigation as I have 2 computers available. (I suspect the problem with my phone may be due to speed, or otherwise!)

    I hope the above helps. I am a patient lady but it’s running out. I come onto the community to relax after work, not to get frustrated about what I can’t do or how long it’s taking. I’m not thinking of walking away, it’s just that I can’t post as much due to the speed, or share my photos as before.

    I’ll shut up now.


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • The problems seem pretty complex to me.

    I have used both Windows 7 and Android Jelly Bean, both with the same result in my case. Though I have tried different browsers with my Windows 7 machines I have absolutely no intention of ploughing through different browsers on Android just to see if that gives different results.

  • Has anyone one tried changing their password - it worked for me!


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • LOL love the picture Apple :D

    In what way did changing your password help?

  • Not really sure, Chloe.  It's longer than the previous one but that's about all.  I just thought I'd try it never expecting it to work!


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Ok, put another way, what makes you feel that changing your password has resolved some issues?

  • Just a thought, which may have been already suggested, but it might be useful to have a sticky, (no reply), entitled "What's New".  It may be that the new system requires different parameters to the old one, and some of the issues may simply be due to the way our accounts are set up, the way that we are using the system, or that we don't know about new options.  Such a thing will help all round, and the techies can concentrate on the genuine software problems.


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • ChloeB said:

    Ok, put another way, what makes you feel that changing your password has resolved some issues?

    Having come to the conclusion for myself that it was an account issue, I thought of what I could change, and the password was the first thing that came to mind as it is the thing that has to be the most variable/random between us all.   Each system has its own requirements for passwords which may change as it is upgraded.  I thought it might be possible that some quirk in the system allowed people to post but not upload photos without the right password protocols.  All I did was try to make my password a bit more secure.  It worked for me, and it would be interesting to see if it worked for anyone else.

    ps I'm much happier now.  :-))


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
