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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Respect to you guys - but I wouldn't have made less sense of the last two pages if they'd been written in Chinese. All I want is to be able to open a new message box and put pictures there from my own PC by clicking my mouse a few times, as I could before this shambles. I don't want anything to do with browsers, editors, Facebook, Flicker, HTML code, cross browser checks or WYSIWYG. That means nothing to me.

    What I do undersatnd from all this stuff, though, is that if you tech-savvy guys are still having problems, there is still no place here for a plain old punter like me.

    Which makes me sad, because I was really enjoying this forum before it was hijacked, and also angry with the RSPB. Even an idiot like me knows you don't put a product on the market before it has been thoroughly tested and all glitches ironed out. A disgraceful state of affairs.

  • Unknown said: don't put a product on the market before it has been thoroughly tested and all glitches ironed out.
    Basically what we have been saying see gull and I couldn't agree more. It would have been far better had there been a trial version first instead of dumping us in it like this.
  • Alan, just so I can honestly say I have tried what you suggested I just did a clean reinstall of FF. Absolutely nothing has changed. My problem is with this site, this account, and nothing to do with my own system or browser. It could be something extremely simple but that something is down to the techs to sort out.

  • Yes I appreciate your suggestion and the thinking behind it Alan and thank you, but in my case it seems to be a different sort of problem. The most worrying thing to me is that these glitches are not universal but vary from account to account.

  • I did a clean reinstall of Firefox too, including passwords, cookies, bookmarks etc. It's made no difference. I stiil have trouble uploading photos. No friends are visible on my page and everything is painfully slow.

    It must be getting on for three weeks now since the "upgrade" and there seems to have been little progress in sorting the problems out and minimal feedback. I'm getting pretty sick of it.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • ChloeB said:

    Yes I appreciate your suggestion and the thinking behind it Alan and thank you, but in my case it seems to be a different sort of problem. The most worrying thing to me is that these glitches are not universal but vary from account to account.

    Hmm, here's a thought - have you tried logging in from a different system completely?  That would prove if it's a problem with your account on the server or something unhappy between your PC (not browser as you've tried multiple ones) and the platform.  Not sure if anyone's tried that and fed back to the techie team.  If it's server account related, then it's possible accounts have been corrupted on the database....


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • My friends list is fine in Chrome (my preferred browser at the moment) but scrambled in FF, IE, Opera and Safari.

  • Unknown said:

    Yes I appreciate your suggestion and the thinking behind it Alan and thank you, but in my case it seems to be a different sort of problem. The most worrying thing to me is that these glitches are not universal but vary from account to account.

    Hmm, here's a thought - have you tried logging in from a different system completely?  That would prove if it's a problem with your account on the server or something unhappy between your PC (not browser as you've tried multiple ones) and the platform.  Not sure if anyone's tried that and fed back to the techie team.  If it's server account related, then it's possible accounts have been corrupted on the database....

    [/quote]I don't currently have a dongle or data sim for my mobile modem otherwise I would try those. Have logged in with pc, laptop and nexus7, no difference on any but of course I was using the same isp. I don't have a contract phone so my phone connects to my home router too.
  • I have just discovered something interesting. If I access my profile page via my smartphone using the mobile network and not via my router I can see my friends list. If I access it via the internet using Chrome or FF I don't see any friends at all, scrambled or otherwise. I have no idea of the significance of this.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Ian (see gull) -- I'm with you in having enjoyed this forum very much prior to the so-called upgrade!  And I could not change anything to do with my computer to save my life, so there is no way  I will be trying different servers, etc.--it is all Greek (or whatever!) to me, too--if Chinese, I'd have a hope because we know several people who speak Chinese!  But the problems are the fault of the new system, not ours!  But please do not leave--the forum needs you!  Just keep taking the blood pressure tablets and stick with it!

    And ChloeB, Doggie, and all the rest--I applaud your efforts to nag the RSPB into making the forum at least as good as it used to be before the 'upgrade'!  Carry on the good work and I wish you luck!  And you are right--you should not have to be messing with your settings--the problems are with the new site!

    Kind regards, Ann