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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • And now a third.

    Having to use the rich formatting screen to reply to a post, when I have finished and posted, I have another error message. This has happened three times this session and I'm going to make a coffee and do something else for a while.

  • Group Blogs

    I’ve noticed some changes to the Blog page within Groups which make it less usable, at least for me. I’ll use Loch Garten as an example, as it’s the busiest reserve group.

    LG Blog page

    Before the recent update, the blog page showed the full text of the most recent blogs. Now, it shows the first 3 lines of many more blogs, but I feel this is less useful as the regular members of a Group would usually want to read the latest blog (or two), which now requires extra “clicks”.

    The previous version of the site also had menus down the right hand side of the blog, which made it possible to locate previous blogs by year and month. This facility has disappeared, and it’s a loss, as we osprey-watchers quite often ask questions like “what date was the first fledge last year?” This will now require using the paging facility to get back to July 2012 – many more clicks.

    There was also a Links section in the right hand margin, which has disappeared in the change. As I recollect it, LG’s links prior to the “upgrade” were:

    All of this seems to have been replaced by the single link at the end of the About paragraph – but again, this requires extra clicks to get to all but one of the above pages – and the Appeal, especially, is likely to be overlooked, as it's 2 levels down at the end of the "Our work" page.   

  • Unknown said:

    I've just tried to accept a friendship request and i don't think the system is working properly i finally managed it but i don't know how.

    edit..and i still cannot see any friends on my friends page

    Hi Doggie, I have logged this with the techies and they will take a look at it as soon as they can.

  • Don't worry. These have been flagged up also. Out of curiosity, is anyone else experiencing the same error message as Grandmamac?

  • Unknown said:
    The previous version of the site also had menus down the right hand side of the blog, which made it possible to locate previous blogs by year and month. This facility has disappeared, and it’s a loss, as we osprey-watchers quite often ask questions like “what date was the first fledge last year?” This will now require using the paging facility to get back to July 2012 – many more clicks.
    Thanks Sue, I was also going to bring this up, a huge resource loss to us all. Hopefully it will soon be restored. I am still stuck in the plain text mode of the contents editor and can't even embolden, italicize etc my text as the ctrl functions will not work in this mode. Presumably I can no longer do live links either, posh or otherwise. Unless I do it in code? Yes, that worked so could also other stuff in code but that is not what we are meant to have to do and not helpful for those who are unable to use html. Hopefully all this will be addressed in due course too.
  • Sounds like an intelligent plan D - I am reading this on my Nexus 7 tablet which uses Google Chrome & I've never been denied access to old or updated forum - just is no good for posting pics - for that I use my PC which is Dell Inspiron 660 64bit, Windows 7 with IE10 & as soon as I cleared temporary files I had access & could post pics - does this help anyone?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, able to use Chrome (latest auto update) browser again today and I did NOT have to clear cookies :-/

    I know this because there was a major lock-out here this morning, so I forsook dear little Avant and tried Chrome again.

    Also, early this morning there was a different font - Courier/Bookman Old Style/Book Antiqua, couldn't make up my mind which.  Wish I'd taken a screenshot but was puzzling over the lockout.  

  • I am managing to post alright,just a few queries, what are the notification's for on our page, by the inbox please and in rich formatting,  what are the toggle screen, the anchor and the "rubber ring "please?

    Getting used to it


  • Unknown said:

    Some people are still having trouble logging onto the site and when they do it is too slow to post

    I certainly agree that it is very slow to post & even slower to exit from one forum & go into another!

    One of my great irritations is the 'altered' reply system in that I can never feel certain that I have executed it properly because it seems to go through an extra step than before & I have had more than a couple of posts just disappear - does anyone else have problems?

    Also, the notation bit - if it is used as intended (which could be a very quick shortcut) still, very annoyingly, takes one to the very first page of the thread instead of the last post - so takes a lot longer, so shoots itself in the foot!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Claire M said:

    I am managing to post alright,just a few queries, what are the notification's for on our page, by the inbox please and in rich formatting,  what are the toggle screen, the anchor and the "rubber ring "please?

    Getting used to it

    Hi wren, when you log on to the site, you may see a red box with a number in it next to where it says 'Notifications'. These hi-lite where someone has responded to a post you may have started or added to. I may need to ask someone more technical than myself re: the anchor and rubber ring.... will get back to you shortly.
