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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Unknown said:

    Next time you post in the group just have a look and see if there is a delete option, there is a time limit on it, it's a shame people have stopped using the group.

    This is a problem the RSPB haven't woke up to yet, with sites like Flickr people don't have to stick here anymore.

    Thanks Alan, This is what I see.

    However if there's a time limit that could be why I can't see it. The problem being that I wasn't aware that it had posted because clicking 'post' didn't return me to the posted page so I tried adding photos one at a time and eventually when I went to the home group page I found I'd got loads of repeats and no button to delete them.

  • I've just replied to a post on Newport Wetlands and sure enough the 'delete' option was there. I can understand the rationale behind the time limit but there used to be a facility to delete that warned you that it would also delete any responses. Still if only the option to delete on the profile page worked it would be OK. Anyway thanks for that tip Alan - i'll do it now!

  • We seem to be having a number of spurious issues that occur for one or two users but not for the vast majority, I have, for now left these off the list, I suspect they're to do with browser caching, so I'll post up links to instructions on how to clear browser cache.

    1-It's not spurious if it's you it affects?

    2-My browser clears on shutdown and I still have probs?

    3-an improvement would normally mean making things simpler to use for the majority?

    4- Bob is a lone voice?

    5- Regular normal long standing RSPB member/posters are expected to be massively computer literate?


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • seymouraves said:
    5- Regular normal long standing RSPB member/posters are expected to be massively computer literate?

    Certainly agree with that Seymour,as a bit of a dinosaur on a computer I feel totally lost on this yet I find several other forums easy to use without a months crash course on computer technology.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:


      I hope that you are going to leave this as a Read Only sticky for reference, rather than delete it completely.

    Hi Bob,

    It won't be deleted, for the sake of space on the front page, it won't remain sticky however.


  • Phew, thank goodness it won't be a sticky. There are far too many of them already! This was one of the main complaints when the previous upgrade was done.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi All,

    Had hoped to run the update to fix a few of the issues today, but I think if we wait till thursday we'll knock a few more off, and save some disruption to the site (we'll probably need to put a "closed for maintenance" page up during the release).

    So, we're delaying the release of the fixes until Thursday. I'll do my best to post tomorrow to tell you exactly what those changes are and when they'll be happening.

    At that point this thread will close for new comments and a link to the new thread will appear as the last post.



  • Unknown said:

    Frankie can you give Chloe a response to this please she's asked a couple of times and got no response, i think she would be happy to know if it was being looked in to

    Frankie do I take it my own problem cannot be resolved?

    I am still stuck in plain text version of the Contents Editor in my original account and unable to change to Enhanced. Each time I select Enhanced from the dropdown menu and click 'save' I get bounced over to the Basic Options tab without it saving and the 'save' button is then greyed out. This happens in all browsers.

    Ok so my second account works fine in that department but for various reasons I would prefer to be able to use my old account instead of having to start afresh with everything.

    [/quote]Perhaps my voice is not loud enough Alan :)

  • Unknown said:
    Just received my membership renewal for the end of August(-:).

    same here,got the joint cards until Aug 2014 but we did have quite a discussion before deciding to go ahead this time.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can