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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Unknown said:

    Thanks Ben, though on another thread I rpomised nothing but birding posts until Monday. i see the provision of lists on the Mods only thread as the way forward, as we will all know what's going on, what has been fixed(or in somer cases fixed for some people but not others), what is still to be fixed, what we would like to see as modifications, what of those can be done, will be done or won't be done. I'm sure there will then be a small influx of things that have been missed, but when those items go on the list I'm sure everyone will be much more relaxed about the future.

    Personally I have never had too many problems once I got back in after the initial day or two- no real browser issues, no cache clearing, obviously the slowness affected me, it was that so many people seemed to be affected so differently and many of those people with little technical knowledge who were initially only helped out by other more adaept forumites. Yes there are things I would like to change and I will add them to the list as and when.



    Hi Bob,

    I'll be posting up a distilled and consolidated list of issues by close of play tomorrow, this will be a list of reported issues only at first, by Tuesday next week, we'll try to put some deadlines and details about what will or won't be fixed/enhanced.

    Internally we've had a productive meeting today, and we are taking the feedback, criticisms and concerns very seriously. I would also appreciate feedback on those things that have changed that you as valuable community users do like however.

    Personally I don't want to compound any issues by rushing changes through and inadvertently causing more problems, a range of fixes are already being tested internally by the techs and our mods.

    We'll endeavour to update you all as and when we have news, but we'll post progress updates on a Friday and Tuesday regardless for now.

    Please keep an eye out on - for those updates.



  • Hi Tiger, undoubtedly we've had issues with the upgrade. The purpose of this upgrade was never to completely overhaul the structure of the community - I have posted here why we did it -

    The community, along with our whole website is currently being looked at strategically and a number of work streams will come out of that.

    One of the principle underlying objectives of that strategy will be adopting a user focussed approach to all parts of our website and to ensure that delivering what the majority of our supporters want to see, is at the heart of what we do.

  • One little niggle that bugs me.

    I click Community Home, on the Updated Communities Q&A Clinic I click last post

    The link above will go to the last post in the whole thread, as I type this it is a post by Frankie Wicks on page 43.

    Now, say there have been a lot of posts since I last read the thread, I may have to go back to page 42 to read them all, I click on 42.

    All is good, the browser opens at the top of the thread page and I can scroll down to the point I last read.

    After reading them all I click for page 43, it takes me right down to the last post again (anchor point) and I have to scroll all the way back to the top to read the posts.

    Maybe the post anchor should be dropped when clicking thread page links?

    Hmm, trying to post this the first time didn't work, clicking post just jumped to the top of the page.


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • Hi Ibcus, I see what you mean there, I'll get it logged.

    It's because the value #773937 is retained throughout clicking the page number links so if you go to a page without the post marked #773937 it can't find it and so reverts to the top of the page. When you get to the page that does have that post - in this instance page 43 it jumps to that post.

    If that makes sense?


  • Hi Bob,

    We could possibly break it out like that, I'll have a chat with some people here and see how we can best organise it so people are clear where they can report issues, and where they can report feature requests.

    The latter is a little bit more tricky as requests for new functionality could be some time before they're evaluated and implemented/rejected.

    We also want to ensure that there is a cohesive approach to user experience instead of isolated "do this" "do that" type tasks, which satisfy individual bits functionality but doesn't necessarily deliver a consistent user experience overall.

    Both the beauty and the difficulty with all of this is that even on one request, there are lots of different viewpoints. Where we'll earn our crust is navigating through that to deliver what's best for the community as a whole.

    Thanks for your patience.... Don't forget, I'm still actively coveting feedback on the bits you do like....!


  • Unknown said:
    Thanks for your patience.... Don't forget, I'm still actively coveting feedback on the bits you do like....!

    Well you Frankie do seem to be making a real difference with your feedback.

    As for the software I do like the "like" feature. It does provide real feedback and is a vast improvement on the star feature which was almost universally disliked in my experience. It is amazing how small but subtle changes can produce big effects.

    Notifications are good but unfortunately they take one to the top of the relevant thread rather than the bottom.  

  • What I do like right now is that both sides are talking. Without positive communication and effort things tend to deteriorate rapidly as we see often enough.

    Agree that we need to break all this down into separate threads.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Bob,

    We could possibly break it out like that, I'll have a chat with some people here and see how we can best organise it so people are clear where they can report issues, and where they can report feature requests.

    The latter is a little bit more tricky as requests for new functionality could be some time before they're evaluated and implemented/rejected.

    We also want to ensure that there is a cohesive approach to user experience instead of isolated "do this" "do that" type tasks, which satisfy individual bits functionality but doesn't necessarily deliver a consistent user experience overall.

    Both the beauty and the difficulty with all of this is that even on one request, there are lots of different viewpoints. Where we'll earn our crust is navigating through that to deliver what's best for the community as a whole.

    Thanks for your patience.... Don't forget, I'm still actively coveting feedback on the bits you do like....!


    Frankie, I highlighted the line in red as I believe your answer actually emphasises why new functionality and feature resurrection should be kept separate, because new features should be evaluated and people could give opinions (even hit like button) for features they approve of but lots of discussion of a "new" feature could distract from the main purpose of a "repair this broken bit" thread.

    For instance - a request to fix the notifications so that you jumop to the last post in a thread belongs in the "reapir this broken bit" thread

    whereas can we please have something that allows us to select more pictures at a time for uploading belongs on the "new feature" thread for comment and evvaluation. I'm pretty sure that one would get a lot of support, but as long as it was known it was on the thraed people would accept that it would eventually have a dcision place d against it.




    Hi Bob, what I meant by that was simply that I would hate for a forum thread that allows for requests for new functionality to sit there and a significant length of time pass before it was actioned. It was more about managing expectations of the community users. 

    For instance if you posted up you'd like to see x or y and it didn't happen for six months, it might feel like we weren't taking it seriously.

    We are looking at it, I just want to be sure that we can support such a thread and react quickly enough to it.

  • Unknown said:

    Oh and one very important thing is get my Good Egg badge on my profile page Sparrow and Judi has theirs and that sticks in my throat a bit lol


    Too right Doggie. No-one deserves their badge more than you do.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unknown said:

    The main thing on the community homepage is to indicate where the forums are (as discussed yesterday) and get the homes for wildlife link on its own tab on the homepage (in my opinion)

    We're looking at this closely, there is a need to get a few areas of the community more prominent, I can assure you that there are a number of us looking at the best way to do this. It may take a few weeks, though I hope it doesn't. Ultimately it's not my decision.

    Unknown said:

    Oh and one very important thing is get my Good Egg badge on my profile page Sparrow and Judi has theirs and that sticks in my throat a bit lol

    ;) I understand completely, my staff badge has gone and so have the mod badges, they're scheduled in for the next release (I'll check where yours has gone).