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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Ladies and Gentlemen. At this point in time I have no idea what to say. I rang the appropriate office an hour ago hoping that maybe work was continuing. I have left a message but so far there has been no answer.Personally I feel totally let down and I do not believe Mrs T would have put up her post earlier today unless she felt it was going to bear fruit. My message ends by saying that I will be in contact in the morning.....of that you may rest assured!. Best I say no more at this stage, My apologies

  • Mike, it is not for you to apologise. Thank you for what you have done but you are not responsible for the running of this site.

  • Thank you both for your very kind remarks.

  • The first page will soon just be a sticky wicket full of sticky's.The forum is a shambles but what can we expect the whole rspb is a shambles now and as anyone can use this site who is not a member are our subs funding it with rspb hoping to pick up members from our funding this site,suppose i could be in trouble as somewhere there I surely deviated,funny I often get that and yet Loch Garten site deviate all the time and never get reprimanded.

  • Mike,

    I think you've done a sterling job already, and are clearly continuing to do so.  No need to apologise, I, as well as others very much appreciate what you are doing.



    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Unknown said:

    It really is time that someone from the RSPB gave some respect to its paying members.

    Maybe the point is that some of us have paid,as we say up here "we've had your brass now beggar off"

    No need for Mike or the others on the sharp end to apologise the responsible people should hang their head in shame as should those that worked out the spec for the "update".Will any responsible show up at the bird fair or will the usual workers have to take the flak ?


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:
    but not out front dealing with the £40 a year members, judging by their (lack of) response to this thread.

    There may well be a need for a big appeal in the near future if people do not renew their subs as threatened.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • If memory serves there is a review of websites and forums in the Birdwatchers Yearbook.


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I must say that if I hadn't been on here before it went very slow I just wouldn't have bothered at all.

    I've always thought the navigation for the forums was awful.

    I've seen people mention parts of the forum that I have never seen and just cannot find.

    A map to get around the forum, really?

    Community Home to me suggests seeing all forums, not latest posts.

    I have to download a pdf document to find out how to view the forums, that's if I can think to view the map thread.

    Forums are under Wildlife, just crazy.

    Ever heard of user friendly?

    It works, trust me.

    This is from a few minutes ago, clicking on Community Home.

    It says 9 users online,

    15.4 seconds for the main page, just wow.

    They still haven't fixed the missing descending.gif (and ascending.gif), not exactly missing, they just have the wrong path to it in the css file.

    I know there are bigger problems than that, but come one, that would take 30 seconds to fix.

    The settings page layout is a bit out, not hard to fix at all, but still not right after how long now?

    CSS problems should have been fixed long ago, simply no excuse for it, exactly the same no matter what system you are running it on.


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • Good morning all and thank you for your kind comments.

    Pete, your comment "Will any responsible show up at the bird fair or will the usual workers have to take the flak ?" was mentioned by me yesterday morning as it was raised in a previous comment. The answer was  " The people there will have had nothing to do with it"

    I only mention this because, whilst I'm sure people will wish to register their feelings, as with our Moderators, they can only pass on the message.