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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Unknown said:
    OK, this is interesting.  TJ - can you connect your smartphone to your home router via wifi and see if that gives you the same experience you had with it on the mobile network, or the same experience as your PC?  When you're on the mobile network, your phone will have a different IP address than when on the home router.

    Yes, Joe, it's the same when I use the smartphone via my home router. I made sure that I switched off the mobile network before testing it. I have no access to another broadband line so I can't test your other suggestion.

    Glad you seem to have some understanding of what might be happening. Let's hope this will give the techies a clue as to what's going on.

    I should add that it's incredibly slow to load my profile page - we are talking about minutes - and an equally long time before there's any response to clicking on the friends tab.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • ChloeB said:
    I will contact the Mods in the morning and also ensure our concerns are passed up the line to the appropriate level.

    Mike I would have thought the mods and techs would be keeping up with this thread, seing as this is the place to refer to re ongoing problems. IMO if someone has to draw it to their attention then there is something seriously wrong.


    Chloe, if you read back a couple of posts I did say the same thing. My intention is to check with them and then pass it up the line as I believe it should be being sorted by the Directors. I do know our Mods are 'on to it' daily.

  • I have just done what I didn't want to have to, created a second ChloeB account. This account has a functional WYSIWYG editor which I have successfully turned off and back on again without any problem. I am obviously still on the same home network so what gives?

    I have no wish to continue ad infinitum with this new account so will only furnish it with the basics but at least it will tide me over until (fingers crossed!) my original account is restored to its former glory.

  • Thanks TJ - so, to be clear:-

    When you access your profile page via smartphone using the mobile network you CAN see your friends list.

    When you access your profile page via PC/Chrome/FF using Broadband you CANNOT see your friends list.

    When you access your profile page via smartphone using Broadband you CANNOT see your friends list.

    Do I have that correct?  Sorry to be pedantic!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Unknown said:

    I have just done what I didn't want to have to, created a second ChloeB account. This account has a functional WYSIWYG editor which I have successfully turned off and back on again without any problem. I am obviously still on the same home network so what gives?

    I have no wish to continue ad infinitum with this new account so will only furnish it with the basics but at least it will tide me over until (fingers crossed!) my original account is restored to its former glory.

    That's sounding like corruption in the account database, rather than dodgy code on the webserver itself - or server-side caching problems (new account = new user, nothing in cache that references that person).  Working a little in the dark here obviously, but this is the point where individual accounts such as yours with proven problems can probably be checked specifically for corruption and any server-side caches flushed to clear out the rubbish.


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Unknown said:

    I have just done what I didn't want to have to, created a second ChloeB account. This account has a functional WYSIWYG editor which I have successfully turned off and back on again without any problem. I am obviously still on the same home network so what gives?

    I have no wish to continue ad infinitum with this new account so will only furnish it with the basics but at least it will tide me over until (fingers crossed!) my original account is restored to its former glory.

    That's sounding like corruption in the account database, rather than dodgy code on the webserver itself - or server-side caching problems (new account = new user, nothing in cache that references that person).  Working a little in the dark here obviously, but this is the point where individual accounts such as yours with proven problems can probably be checked specifically for corruption and any server-side caches flushed to clear out the rubbish.


    WJ. Just to be clear for us non techies are you saying this is an individual account issue rather than a fault on the new system. As for checking for corruption and flushing caches who's that down to. Good job it isn't me!!.

  • We have to ask why some accounts were adversely affected and others not? All went through the same mangle so to speak.

  • Mike B said:

    WJ. Just to be clear for us non techies are you saying this is an individual account issue rather than a fault on the new system. As for checking for corruption and flushing caches who's that down to. Good job it isn't me!!.

    LOL!  What I'm wondering is whether some of the issues people are seeing are related to their individual accounts, yes.  As an analogy, think about you updating to the latest version of Microsoft Word from an older one.  Whilst the new version SHOULD be able to open and use the old documents you have, some files might lose the page formatting, or look weird in the new software.  It's possible something similar has happened here, which is why some accounts seem fine and some not.

    Don't worry, checking and flushing are things the techie guys at RSPB would have to do :-)

    (just re-read that last sentence - sounds a bit dodgy!!)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • ChloeB said:

    We have to ask why some accounts were adversely affected and others not? All went through the same mangle so to speak.

    Agreed, but accounts are in different states, so maybe people with more than 20 friends have been corrupted, less than 20 are fine, accounts that are pre-some-specific-date are problematic, newer ones are OK (or something similar)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • The ability to view a normal friends list is also dependent on which browser(s) we use. Scrambled in all but Chrome for me.