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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I keep getting tripped up by the Reply boxes at the bottom of every page instead of only at the bottom of the last page.

    If anyone wants to reply to a post earlier in a thread they have the Reply link on every post, so it's unnecessary to have a Reply box at the bottom of every page, IMHO - if anyone would like to gainsay that with a reason, please do.  You know how one can get blinkered at times ;-)

  • working as best as possible. We know this has been frustrating, thank you for sticking with us, we are trying to get this sorted however we want to get it right rather than rush through a 'bodge job'.

    2 weeks is hardly a rush-  the second speaks for itself

    I am now getting ERROR- CONTACT YOUR ADMINISTRATOR whenever I post.


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Re the Enter key not working for paragraphs without several hits - this is just in "straight" post boxes, it's working fine in rich formatting.

  • Hi-

    it takes 13 ( !!!!!!!)  seconds to jump from the first page of latest postings to the next and subsequent pages


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • seymouraves said:


    it takes 13 ( !!!!!!!)  seconds to jump from the first page of latest postings to the next and subsequent pages


    Cannot edit this post now its in 'about'  so have to post a reply-

    ALSO takes 15 seconds to find BIRDFAIR in the search box and 22 to re load this page after being there



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • It is getting a little silly now.

    One small change they could make to fix the post layout is remove 1 line of code from communityv5.css:

    line number 435

    .content-fragment.thread .content-list .content-item {padding: 0;}

    They set padding as 0.25em in screen.css, but communityv5.css is loaded AFTER screen.cs so overides it with padding 0, making all the posts stack together with no space between them.

    Adding this line will fix te layout of the reply box I am typing this into, that is stuck to the bottom of the last post.

    .content-fragment.thread .content-list .content-item .reply-wrapper {padding: 0.5em 0;}

    Come on guys, small things like this are not that hard to fix.

    Maybe it's time to find some techs that know what they are doing...


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • Another thing that is really buggin me, the name of the poster being cut off at the bottom.

    screen.css line 1581

    remove height:14px

    Or make it bigger, it is way too small

    I better leave now, or this thread will be full of me ranting on about style sheets.


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • Unknown said:
    Scylla don't forget that although there is a reply button on every post, it doesn't actually mean anything unless you quote some of the message that you think you are replying.

    I haven't forgotten that, Bob,  I don't object to it because if one is replying to a particular post one presumably wants to indicate the bit one is responding to.  It's the misleading empty Reply box that's bothering me, making me think I'm at the end of a thread so that I post my pearl of wisdom, or pic, or (more likely) video, having missed any number of intervening posts.  I keep duplicating my friend LIMPY's videos.  It's all very well saying "be more careful", but some of us, especially video-ers, have an awful lot going on in the background - talk about multi-tasking! ;-)

    So, my basic point is, what is the need for the empty Reply box at the end of every page of posts?

    Ibcus, I don't seem to have the layout problems you are describing :-/  Except for the inadequate space for members' IDs, eg LIMPY is LIMOV, and the desirability of more space between the Reply icon for the previous post and the ID of the next one.  Is that what you are referring to?  Sorry to be fick, but lines of code spin my noddle ;-)

  • style sheets can be very browser specific, what works in one may not work in another.

    What browser are you using?

    I am using Firefox (22.0) and all the posts are stacked with no spaces, like this

    Notice no space between your post and the like/reply from my post above it

    It is the same if I use Internet Explorer 10 and Google Chrome (v28)

    Simply deleting that one line of code I pasted above would get it looking like this

    The white space around 'edit tags' is another thing that annoys me a little, it just seems to be floating all on its own.

    That can be fixed by changing this line 1570 in screen.css

    .content-fragment.thread .full-post .fiji-post-tags-container {
        border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
        border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
        border-top: 1px dotted #CCCCCC;
        padding-top: 10px;
    To give lines down either side to connect it all up again.
    Simple little things will make people a little happier and may make them stay longer, as they can see things are being fixed.
    The result of the little changes would be this and it would take less than 5 minutes


    My Flickr

    My own humble photo site

  • I recruited Avant browser because (1) I haven't been able to use FF for RSPB for well over a year, maybe two; (2) although I could get the site working in Chrome it was very bothersome; and (3) Avant uses only 20,000K of memory so my system wouldn't mind the addition.

    The only problem I have with Avant/RSPB is the slowness when clicking Refresh, Rich Formatting, Post, other links.  But I do have the same crushing up of the posts which you show above, as I've mentioned in this thread in different terms.  I get a bit tired and confused ;-)