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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I have come late to this thread as I couldn't get on until the other day. This may have been raised before but have  the favourites (presumably now called bookmarks) been cleared, I can't see mine at all.  I used to use that a lot to work around various RSPB departmental blogs

  • Unknown said:

    Anyone got any ideas why I still can't post any photos...All I get is a message time after time saying ..The administrator has configured this site not to allow for duplicate postings?...I've tried with photos I've never uploaded anywhere and still the same message....Think I'll give up, I've tried a since the change in the web site over a week ago with no joy.

    Mel P. I know at least one member has solved this issue by reverting to IE 9 as she had problems with IE10.It would therefore seem to be down to the users system. Why.....don't ask me!. I do however recall a long while back when I queried something on the 'old' site being told that different operating systems had different issues!.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi all, once again many thanks for being patient with us and tolerating any problems, I have this update for you from our technical team:

    I would like to update you with our continuing work to resolve the issues we have encountered since the upgrade.

    The first and most significant step was to tackle the priority issue of performance. We have been working on a group of tasks that could contribute to the impact on performance relating to how the Community application works with the other web applications. We have also agreed to purchase an additional amount of memory for our servers. This memory upgrade has been scheduled for Saturday on our externally hosted web servers. This was the earliest opportunity we could get to do this work.

    We are compiling all the issues fed back through the Community and are working on these as well. Please bear with us, we are working as hard as possible to address these issues.

    Kind Regards,


    Ben, can you please inform us(1) if the site will be down during this time and (2) is it possible to briefly list those issues being looked at as that would enable any others to be posted and also reasure those who have already raised issues that they are due for consideration.

  • Mike, the work is being staggered so that the communities will still be working although there will be some performance degradation, only for the Saturday though.

    I don't have the list of issues to hand but have just spoke to one of the tech chaps and hopefully by the end of the day we can get you a list of what issues we will be aiming to resolve once the speed issue is sorted, will try and keep you all in the loop as and when I know more.

    Kind Regards,


  • Unknown said:


    At 9:32 yesterday you said "we are compiling a list". At 9:46 today you said that

    "Hopefully by the end of the day we can get you a list". Is it any wonder we are fed up, given how long this whole abysmal affair us taking. Hopefully the list will be thorough one after all this time

    Bob, I have spoken to Ben and I can only reiterate what he has said. However, as I have said before the Moderators are only a conduit to the Techies and frankly are in their hands.  I have also said that they seem to be the ones 'thrown to the lions' whilst those reponsible for the wider issues remain firmly out of site and as yet unidentified. That might change though!.

  • Hello everyone,

    As promised here is a list of issues that have been logged and are pending being dealt with, once this weekends upgrade takes place and we are happy with our priority issue which was the speed of the site we can then systematically work through these next priority issues and sort them.

    No matter how long this takes these will be addressed and any issues not on this list or that come up in the meantime are/will be logged and will then be sorted.

    Once again many thanks for all your patience with this, it is very much appreciated and the technical team and moderators thank you for all your support.

    We acknowledge and are dealing with issues relating to;

    • Uploading pictures (We have set a file limit of 4MB which has affected some of the larger sized images hosted on our community. This measure is to limit the cost for storing a large number of increasingly large size files with the website hosting company)

    • Password reminder email not delivered on time. Possibly related to performance issues.

    • Formatting of Friends lists on the profile pages.

    • Restore the camera page for the Loch Garten ospreys

    • Language : US English

    • Users Groups page not working

    • There is no archive list to find older posts

    • List of local blogs has been removed.

    • Functionality for site moderators is encountering sporadic problems via Internet Explorer. Eg move, join and delete posts. Results include runtime errors and thread not found. Possibly related to performance?

    • Email alerts from the community no longer working.

    • Images have disappeared from older blog posts

    • Styling issues

                   Insert Media button broken.

                   Forum Post Menu Options. We are making the menu more prominent and improving the header formatting.

                   Restore social share buttons for blog posts.

                   Blog post comment order should be newest to oldest (the default has changed to the opposite)

                   Font sizes too small on; blog posts and the right hand column.

                   Tabs too small.

                   Favourites is no longer available (top right) when logged in.

                   Photos tab is now called files.

                   Latest blog posts are not appearing on the reserves homepages of the main website.

                   Tags and mentions tabs in groups are empty.

    The blog tab used to direct the user to the whole blog, inc. page no. tabs, now there is a list with no pictures.

    When creating a blog popup windows to add links, add pictures, add picture info no longer work.

    Photos in ‘files’ section displayed at a tiny, thumbnails size.

    Kind Regards,


  • Ben. Thank you. I am sure this will be much appreciated and probably added to !

  • Please can you add the undesirable feature that any non-registered browser can access our pofile page. Thank you.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Also I have just come across a situation where the edit arrow and list kept disappearing and re-appearing in that when I hovered over the blue panel sometimes it was there and other times it wasn't

  • Many Thanks Ben for updating us all with all the problems! I didnt realise there were so many! When we post photos in future must we now be aware of the file size of them? Not sure how to go about that! Sorry to be stupid. Thank you anyway