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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I have just got back on here after what seems likes weeks of getting a site closed for maintenance sign.  Eventually I cleared my cookies and it worked only to find the answer when I got here was to clear cookies.  You don't get that message unless you can book on.  I suppose the beauty of getting back on here late is that the rest of you have had to suffer and sort out the problems you clearly have had.  I use the community for a number or reasons, one of which is to read and occasionally comment on Martin Harper's blog but couldn't get on there either.

    I am surprised in this day and age that this has happened

  • Just discovered a "fault" in PMs, sorry if it's already been highlighted.

    The "Insert Image" icon opens as "Insert/Edit Media" (video), as does the Insert/Edit Media icon.  So both icons function for video, neither for pictures.

    I can't see any need for the video box because we can upload vids in the image box, there's an option for YouTube/web.

  • Susan H said:
    no friends under the "friends" tab on my profile, and just a load of gobbledy gook down the right hand side. Do we have to start again inviting people to be friends?

    No you don't have to reinvite people to be friends - I know this because I have PM'd friends who existed before the new system, and I wouldn't have been able to if we were starting again, I'd have had to send a message asking to be a friend.

  • Thank you Scylla and Sooty.  The computer language gobbledy gook miraculously transfomed itself overnight to a list of friends!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unknown said:

    Alan, I suspect that your message was from the same person that I'm ow has given up on the site and his contributions will be sorely missed.

    Back on track, thank you Ben for at last passing on some information about what was planned, it is just a shame that none of it provides the restructuring that many of us thought that we were being promised. Instead we still have a poor structure and are unable to post more than one picture at a time but areexpectedto be overjoyed by the fact that if we make lots of posts, we can get on a leader board , regardless of any quality. We all know that  Microsoft have a stranglehold on much technology and wile we might disapprove of this, any software writers would be silly not to keep abreast so blaming Microsoft doesn't reallywashthis time.

    I note that you have not addressed any of my other points or reacted to any suggestions as to compiling lists of issues etc, which I suggest means nothing further is going to happen on that score and we have to accept what was chosen for us. I intend to make no further posts to this thread and will monitor the site for a while. If I don't like what I see I will take myself and my subscription off somewhere else. I just hope that the RSPB continues to look after birds and never resorts to treating them with as little regard it gives to its paying members.

    bye for now .

    Bob, i understand your sentiments

    My understanding is that the first priority is to address the speed issue. Following that I believe many of the points that we have all raised will systematically be addressed. I have said elsewhere that I think it is totally wrong of the organisation to put 'The Mods' in the front line for all this. It is a technical issue involving policy decisions and no doubt expenditure well outside their normal role yet they are required to deal with our gripes.

    I believe there are still a number of approaches we can make to call to account those responsible for this situation. What would be sad is if the rank and file roll over without doing that.

    What would be nice is to see a member of the Executive posting on here.

  • It's much worse using Safari today. In the last half hour I have repeatedly failed to access a Forum, the last post on many threads and the thread itself. I'm giving up for today.

  • TheBadgerOfLurve said:

    Problem requiring technical help please......

    My system is Windows XP, SP3

    Preferred browser for RSPB use is FireFox v.22.0, set up to use on startup many tabs and tab groups mostly based on RSPB Loch Garten threads.

    After this upgrade my FireFox browser is useless on startup as there is an unresponsive script error which locks up the browser. Stopping the script has no effect.

    I attach a screenshot showing the error message.

    I hope you will be able to advise on this problem. I am using Chrome to post this.

    Many thanks, tBoL

    EDIT..... My post took a good few seconds before it posted.

    I had posted on an unrefreshed page where when I looked later, Scvlla and TeeJav had posted. There had been a page change.

    Now when I go from previous page to new page, I find that the page goes to my post and NOT the top of the new page where SCYLLA and TeeJay had posted :-?

    I hope you can understand what I mean and offer some help on this. Thanks again. tBoL


    I have found a way to allow me to use Firefox and my numerous tabs and tabbed groups associated with the RSPB.....

    In a new Firefox window I used the tools to clear the RSPB cookies. This resulted in my being signed out of the RSPB site.

    On restarting Firefox I am now able to find my way back to where I left off on the many threads some weeks ago. At least I can now do a big catchup on the events of the last few weeks.

    However, if I sign back in to the site I end up with my unresponsive script problem and a locked up Firefox.

    I look forward to a solution to this problem.

    Many thanks, tBoL.

  • It's all too head banging for me and I've turned into a lurker. Sorry.  But Scylla is correct, I've found the same too. All the Avatars of Friends are gobble de gook  text but it's possible to get a message to one by just typing in their ''  name''  in the box and then typing a message in the bigger box beneath it.

  • Suspect this upgrade was done to coincide with big numbers coming to the forum from the recruitment drive of TV advert,well that's cocked that up then.

  • Alan,LOL,at least you have not missed much,whatever are the rspb playing at.Risk losing members becoming jack of all trades and trying to pick up young members who would much rather play games on PCs etc and messing up the forum.

    Lets send for Mr Bean to sort it out for them LOL.