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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Here you go - 3.25Mb


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Mrs T,

    What are the criteria for the "Top Quality Authors" lists which now appear on Group home pages?

    In the "About" group, I was amused to see that "Anonymous" is apparently the Top Quality Author!  This suggests that the criterion is not quality, though the "stars" are not now displayed in any case.   

    Of the other names on the lists, some are current posters, but others have made very few posts - in one case I saw, just one - and not recently. This suggests that quantity of posts is not a criterion either. 

    Were these lists meant to be a part of the new site, and what purpose are they intended to serve?

  • Why is it that every time I try to move to the next page on any thread including this one site and  my Internet crashes and I am now stuck on page 7 here and cant open new threads

  • In case anyone is having difficulty finding the home page

  • I've just successfully inserted this photo from my computer (not via Flickr). It was only 172kb but I couldn't even do that one before.

    Anything much larger than this won't upload. I've tried several sizes from 3Mb down to 372kb. The little green bar goes so far and then I get "error". It's painfully slow as well.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • As I did not have full function in the 'enhanced' (WYSIWYG) version of contents editor  I thought I would try changing to 'plain text' version and back again to see if that made a difference. The change to plain text went smoothly but I now find myself unable to change it back to 'enhanced'. I click on 'SAVE' changes but it does not save. I am now stuck in plain text.

  • On profile pages, there's a problem with the formatting of Friends lists. This seems to be intermittent as I have seen some others displayed correctly, but mine currently displays as:   

    $core_v2_ui.Pager($friendships.PageIndex, $friendships.PageSize, $friendships.TotalCount, "%{ShowIndividualPages = 'false', ShowPrevious = 'true', ShowNext = 'true', PagedContentFile = 'simple-page.vm' }")
    rather than showing the icons & usernames of my Friends.
  • I am trying to change my 'signature' with two links entitled: "EJ's Biography   Chloe & Tiger's Wonderful Data".

    When I try to save it I am told "Maximum signature length is 256 characters."   The letters I have used amount to under 50, so what have I done wrong?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Unknown said:

    On profile pages, there's a problem with the formatting of Friends lists. This seems to be intermittent as I have seen some others displayed correctly, but mine currently displays as:   

    $core_v2_ui.Pager($friendships.PageIndex, $friendships.PageSize, $friendships.TotalCount, "%{ShowIndividualPages = 'false', ShowPrevious = 'true', ShowNext = 'true', PagedContentFile = 'simple-page.vm' }")
    rather than showing the icons & usernames of my Friends.

    The same for me.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Hello all, first let me apologise for the lack of response from our end, many of the comments were written last night and so it's taken me a while this morning to go through all of them.

    Mrs T worked extremely hard yesterday to try and answer all questions whilst dealing with the problems and getting on with her job too! Unfortunately she is not in today and is away all of next week too.

    I am more than happy to answer a question at a time if I can, some of the technical stuff could be over my head and it might be tricky for me to get the answers quickly but I can try.

    Kind Regards,
