Blue Tit Nest destroyed

We've had an upsetting morning having come outside to find the nest box that our blue tits were using destroyed and on the ground. Birds and new babies gone, with the exception of one left lying on the ground. The box hadn't been in an optimal position and we hadn't expected it to be used as it seemed to have been colonised by some bees and other insects, but we didn't want to move it once we realized we had birds and eggs inside.

My question is, is it worth righting the box? It is likely the parents will come back and reuse it or have the likely abandoned it completely?


  • Hi Holly, always so sad to see a nest destroyed and predated like that ... Blue Tits usually only very rarely have more than one brood per season so highly unlikely to be wanted by them again this year, maybe take this opportunity to resite in a safer position facing somewhere between North and East with a clear line of sight to the entrance hole ... maybe useful as a Winter roost!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr