daily visitor

taken during the morning, being a novice ,i thought they only stayed in trees. I have a rough video of the woodpecker digging about in the snow,which is great

  • Hi Ken,

    Green woodpeckers do spend a lot of their time on the ground, as one of their favourite foods is ants and ant larvae. If you ever walk through an old pasture with anthills in it you may see where the sides of anthills have been excavated - there's a good chance some of the damage is by these super birds.

  • Hi Ken,

    Green woodpeckers do spend a lot of their time on the ground, as one of their favourite foods is ants and ant larvae. If you ever walk through an old pasture with anthills in it you may see where the sides of anthills have been excavated - there's a good chance some of the damage is by these super birds.

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