Injured Starlings

Is it me, or does there seem to be more inured Starlings about this year? I am not sure if this is because I am just noticing birds more these days, but this starling came into my garden at the weekend and I had earlier in the year with only one foot.  My mum also had a 1 footed starling in her garden and it's unlikely to be the same one being the 200 mile distance between us.

He seems to be getting about ok and is eating well, but he spent a lot of time sitting on the ground under the tree and I worry if he does this too often his days may be numbered.


I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Hi Bramble,

    Nice pics of your starling.I have a little Bluetit that visits that has a bad leg but he's quite perky bless!

    BBB nice pics of your starlings too.I have a few visit but I have a murmuration happen over the top of my house almost every night it is great to Is a pic I hope.


    It gets larger as more join in.


  • Thanks for the comments.  

    Sparrow there is a ground feeder just behind where he was sitting and he was using that and the bird table.  He is a bit wobbly on the ground, but can fly and was able to land on bird table well enough where there is a suet block.

    Littleowl, fab pic of murmuration.  I have not seen one in person since i was a child.  We used to get them all the time when I lived on a farm in Devon.

    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Thanks Littleowl, like you Bramble I haven't seen such a huge flock for some years, that too was on the farm that my Mum lives next to.

    and Sparrow I can't see my pictures either now, I can still see brambles, which I could see before as well as mine, so if they are on different servers how can one lot disappear and not the other, that must have been a shock all those starlings arriving.

    Forgot to say great pics too Bramble, Sparrow and littleowl, I do enjoy seeing all the pics, I hope it's sorted soon, it's such a shame.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • Just a point on the disappearing pictures. I was looking at a picture on a thread and wanted to enlarge it. I clicked on it as usual, and the picture disappeared before my eyes!!!! I wondered if that was why some pics were disappearing, so I tried it on another photo, but that was OK.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow, the same thing happened to me on the vole picture clicked to enlarge it and it said the website is unavailable, so clicked the back button and the picture had vanished.

    There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 10/03/2010 05:26

    Hi Sarah

    So sad to see any bird suffering in any way at all

    I have never seen seen injured Starlings at all - they are such robust little birds.

    I have had a one legged Male chaffinch at one stage. He had the dreaded growths on his legs.  He was a plucky little guy and survived as he did. Scruffy he was but determined he was too.  Full of admiration for him.

    Just watch over the little Starling, and hope that he is okay.  Plenty of food and water will help him no end.


    Kathy and Dave

    bramble67 said:

    Is it me, or does there seem to be more inured Starlings about this year? I am not sure if this is because I am just noticing birds more these days, but this starling came into my garden at the weekend and I had earlier in the year with only one foot.  My mum also had a 1 footed starling in her garden and it's unlikely to be the same one being the 200 mile distance between us.

    He seems to be getting about ok and is eating well, but he spent a lot of time sitting on the ground under the tree and I worry if he does this too often his days may be numbered.


  • Hi all, BBB I can't see your photos but I can see all the others and they are great. I haven't noticed any injured starlings but have seen one female blackbird with an injured leg and my grey wagtail seems to have an on/off injury. I wonder whether, with all the cold weather, novices to bird feeding were putting out fat balls and/or peanuts in those dratted mesh bags.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Hi Squirrel,

    I had also wondered that. I just wish manufacturers would put warning labels on the goods, telling people to remove the netting, or find some other method of holding it all together.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Well the good news is he was back today and although still limping slightly he does soom to be putting the foot to the floor now which he wasn't on sunday. 


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Hi Bramble,

    Excellent news, I'm so pleased for him. It is amazing how they can recover without any intervention from us. Keep us informed!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr