Jays - Has anyone else witnessed this behaviour?

We have had a family of jays visit for the last two years during the spring and early summer. This year two or three of them have also visited in the winter months (We count ourselves very lucky as we have a very small garden on a housing estate).  One of the jays visited recently and took some monkey nuts we had placed in a hanging basket. He then proceeded to hide some of them - one in a crevice in a concrete fence post, two or three in a tree, one under a neighbour's shed roof and one in our other neighbour's garden which he then covered with a leaf. He then flew off with one. He has since returned and taken the monkey nut out of the fence post, inspected it and then put it back in the same place. I was wondering if anyone else has witnessed this sort of behaviour in their garden. A great tit often comes into the garden after the Jay has deposited the peanuts in the tree and removes them to eat himself.

  • Hi Sparrow and Blackbird

    Yes it is lovely, we don't get as many as Carole but I have had four all at once and they are quite happy to wait until it's their turn.  I can spend ages just watching their antics.

    Blackbird I love the idea of stringing the nuts together, perhaps I will try that as I do get lots of blue tits too.  I saw one once taking a monkey nut from the pot and fly off with it, but the nut was a big as it was and it dropped to the ground, before the BlueTit could even think about coming back for it, the squirrel ran out and snapped it up!!  So funny.