Peregrine Falcon, Orange NSW - 2023-24

All pictures and videos ©FalconCam,  CSU, NSW

2022-23 season's thread

One of the 3 eggs did not hatch.  KATE gathered this info for us:

3 Jan 2023 4:24 PM

NEWS 29th December 2022 The egg was removed and I 'candled' it with a torch. The egg has a slight leak through a small crack, but is otherwise intact. Despite using a very strong LED torch, I could see nothing, so I think the eggshell is too thick. It may be that the chick simply could not emerge. I'll offer it to the Australian Museum.

Two chicks fledged: Indigo and Rubus, both males. Indigo, the elder, was last seen on 18 March when Diamond blocked his entry to the nest box.  Rubus fledged @ 46 days but died 9 days later, the result of a flying accident. 

Cilla Kinross's daily news

YouTube Channel with 4 cams

"Box" cam with Chat feature

HATCH-WATCH starts on 01 OCTOBER! 

Therefore I've taken the liberty of starting this thread.

Evening changeover:


  • Lovely vid Scylla!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • A month ago Blue heart

    (I've had this 6-hour session ever since then, cos I saw the little tug-o-foot but never got around to doing anything with it.  Now seems a good time to look back at our lovely healthy duo.)


    04 December 06.00 - Diamond in the early morning sun:


  • OMG, the pump was so loud, Diamond was shocked and had to fly off:


  • What pump??

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    What pump??

    The building is a water tower and every day (maybe just once a day, I'm not sure) a pump starts up - I don't know its purpose - and it's quite noisy.  The perries are used to it and mostly take no notice, but yesterday it was ultra-noisy and vibraty and grindy.  I almost did a little vid/audio but was feeling too lazy at the time.


  • Diamond left the box @ 20:47 last evening, it appeared that something outside attracted her attention. She did not return.

    05:42 she just flew in chirping.  (I keep leaving the cam running by mistake and get alerted - that's what happened with the pump yesterday, I thought my laptop's speakers had gone bonkers again.)


  • On the Oz 6th, one or other of our parent couple spent virtually the whole day, allowing for short breaks, in the box !!!

    I so hoped this didn't have tragic implications...

    As indeed it didn't.  I forgot to tell you, I stopped downloading the Tower because it was dropping out and causing me problems - well, Cilla's found a juvie there and I am going to try to re-edit her video to shorter/closer-upper view for easier viewing.  I know it's a bit cheeky but I gotta do it.  See you later.


  • scylla said:
    Cilla's found a juvie there and I am going to try to re-edit her video to shorter/closer-upper view for easier viewing.

    Oh Neutral face  This is Cilla's legend to her video:

    The video starts at night with an adult on the tower moving to the white antenna. It continues through dawn with Diamond landing in the box, followed by the fledgeling landing on the slope of the tower roof, then climbing to the top. After which there are various sequences of Xavier and the fledgeling, including one where Xavier chases off a magpie and some close ups of him.

    I had to check it because I could see that the close-up was a tatty-breasted adult rather than a juvie Disappointed relieved

    This is Cilla's original - with soundtrack composed by her and played by her 'tutor' -

    Approaching 02:00 on the 7th - Diamond is sleeping on the ledge.


  • Thanks Scylla

    A few scaps of Diamond in and out of box.

    also saw this in chat

    3:35 AMBirdie52

    It's still not confirmed, but it looks like it's Marri that survived.


  • Had to read back to see what I could not follow. Have we lost one if the chicks please?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.