Link to January 2022 to end of February 2023 thread
Live stream from North Fambridge, Essex:
In 2022, four Barn Owlets, deemed to be 3 females and 1 male (the youngest), successfully fledged.
Here they are at their ringing day on 7.7.22
Hopefully, the resident pair will successfully breed in the nest box again this season.
Woohoo, both are back.
Female was in the box, assumed the position and our male came in to mate with her! No fussing from the female at all
His poorly right eye almost fully open here
He left the box afterwards
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
She's just left
23.30 I haven't seen any other visits from the BOs this evening. Signing off now.
The female is in and is calling
Now resting
Mating! She had moved to her position at the back of the box and he came in immediately
He went straight out
After spending some time under the cam, breaking up pellets and scraping at the flooring, the female exited the box
I'm taking a break for a while. BFN