Link to January 2022 to end of February 2023 thread
Live stream from North Fambridge, Essex:
In 2022, four Barn Owlets, deemed to be 3 females and 1 male (the youngest), successfully fledged.
Here they are at their ringing day on 7.7.22
Hopefully, the resident pair will successfully breed in the nest box again this season.
She's back...
And gone again!
The male's arrived - calling!
Edit: Scrap that, I'm confused! It must have been the female! I was saving my pic and then when I returned to check on the cam, I just missed a mating - she pecked at the male as he was leaving...was he a rogue one?
Who's in now?
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
This is the female, Wendy. I thought, in my original post, that it was the male calling, the legs appeared to be too skinny to be the female. I could kick myself for not watching the whole scenario play out!
She looks so forlorn to me...
I want to see our male
Maybe she's just glad of the rest? Lol
Edit: Looked back & she's gone!
21:48 ENS. I'm not having a good evening! Missed her leaving while I was posing a question on chat!