Peregrine Falcon, Orange NSW - 2021


"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • Thanks for update Scylla albeit not very encouraging news!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Yes, Wendy, thanks to Scylla for the news but a bit worrying. I have not followed Peregrines enough to remember what the adults normally do once their chicks have fledged, namely whether they immediately begin bonding again or if they simply hang out together companionably, only going through the bonding behaviour some months later.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • From Cilla:

    (Not good) NEWS 30 November 2021.

    No sign of Yurruga, I'm afraid. I've looked every day for an hour or two, but he's not been seen since last Thursday when spotted on a roof. He was seen later on the same roof by a colleague in a thunderstorm. It's of concern, not just because by now I would expect him to be using the roost trees and 'flight training ground', but due to the behaviour of the adults, long pair-bonding sessions being rare so soon after fledging. I have a nasty feeling that we may have lost this chap, but will keep looking for another week.

    (The two eggs were non-viable. Probably one was infertile and the other fertilised, but without a formed chick. I removed them and one will go to the Australian Museum (one exploded!).

    Just as well I don't have to be monitoring every minute, as the cam's been dropping out quite frequently.

  • Very sad outcome!Sob


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks, Scylla, I agree with Wendy, very sad, but good to know. I feared the worst when he fledged at what seemed a bit too early a date, and a thunderstorm would have been bad news if he was still not flying very well and might not have been able to find shelter. Both parents did look very bedraggled at one point, so that storm might have done for little Yurruga, unfortunately. Interesting to read Cilla's observation about Peregrine bonding behaviour.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Noting new to report re sightings, some calls heard early morning - of which a couple I could find, I have given up trying to find more, people must have much better speakers than my built-in laptop ones.

  • NEWS 2 December 2021

    Dr Cilla Kinross:

    Despite daily searches, there has been no sign of Yurruga since he was spotted on a roof near the tower in a thunderstorm on Thursday 25 November. Indications of his presence due to recent prey transfer appear to be false alarms. Several calls have been hears, but none have been verified.

    It's of concern, not just because by now I would expect him to be using and flying around the roost trees, but due to the behaviour of the adults, long pair-bonding sessions being rare so soon after fledging. In addition, the adults have not seriously 'buzzed' me during my walks, which they would have done if a juvenile was close. I have a feeling that we may have lost this chap.


    I haven't done any catching up today yet.

  • Thanks, Scylla, yes, it does look like Cilla may be right about Yurruga.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I'm going to stop reporting now, unless something "special" comes to my notice.