Peregrine Falcon, Orange NSW - 2020

©FalconCamProject, CSU, Orange, NSW





As announced by IAN in the 2019 thread:

First egg of the season:

  • Very sad but I did not hold out much hope for the poor little thing from the first time I watched one of your videos, unfortunately. It did not look healthy from the beginning so perhaps this is for the best, though I hate to say it. I hope the 3rd egg hatches; is it still within the usual time frame? At least the tiny chick on the Aussie Osprey nest at Port Lincoln seems to be improving, fingers crossed.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • WendyBartter said:
    someone on chat reckons its starting to hatch & can see movement inside??

    I checked much earlier when I saw someone say that they saw a crack and movement but I couldn't find anything - and I haven't noticed any sign of a pip/crack whilst ploughing thru 8 hours of this morning's activities, for which I've produced a video and should not have bothered to include all the ins 'n outs, it's worn me out and no-one will have time to watch it.  No self-control, that's moi Confused 

    Xav seemed to go missing for longer than usual and Di was to and from the ledge and in 'n out.

  • Have just watched your vid Scylla, indeed a herculean effort but good to watch so much action especially the close up of feeding! Thank you


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    Have just watched your vid Scylla

    I might've known Wink Purple heart 

    The rest of the evening's prey-drops, the last one not req'd:

    Later in the evening, a somewhat restless Diamond tucked in the little corpse:

    I think that Cilla Kinross is under great pressure of work (she wears several hats and is under-resourced), that's why I've been uploading all (barring mistakes) the incidents.

  • 10 October

    I've had some dropouts so had to fetch up bits from different cams.

    A quiet night followed by a latish breakfast, then Diamond disposed of the corpse:

    I presume (EDIT - I sincerely hope) this blood - under wing and around bottie - is from prey:

  • Diamond moved the surviving eyas away from the original nest site, and we got a much better view of feeding - which here I've speeded up.  Still a lot of blood on the babe.

    Poor little prey item:

    "A look at the eyas while Diamond is away":

  • I did upload "afternoon events to 16:20" but am not posting it here.

    Teatime to bedtime including 7+ minutes of eyas's stuck pellet (?), it didn't get a supper therefore.  The "scarred" failed egg shows up at the end.

  • Felt sorry for the poor choking chick, thank goodness it recovered!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • 11 October

    Xavier was rather late this morning, occasioning a lot of to-and-fros by Diamond, and when he eventually took over he repeated the process until Diamond came back, then he went hunting and brought back a Starling, I think.  Eyas didn't get a huge meal from what we could see, which wasn't a lot.

    I intend to ease off now - it should be easier for Cilla and others to follow now that there's just the one babe and it seems out of the woods.

  • 11 October cont'd (I forgot these snaps from yesterday).


    First afternoon meal:

    Brought back smaller:

    Last delivery of the day:

    12 October

    Two breakfasts and the egg is carefully retrieved for incubating: