Kingston College Peregrines 2019

There has been a female on the roof for a couple of months now (possibly more than one female). The usual antics have been taking place but without the YouTube feed it has been hard to see what the status has been. I identified a scrape in the tray at the start of February and closed off the roof. The College IT department have been working to overcome some technical issues and have managed to get the problems sorted this week. A big thank you to them!

Unfortunately there are no eggs so far, but that's not for want of effort on the part of the male. He has spent a lot of time trying to lure the female into the box, but she won't play ball. Othe pocal pairs have several eggs already, but as there is still a female here, I haven't given up hope. Indeed, there was a third Peregrine flying above the roof while I had a visual on the female on the ledge and the male in the nest box (via the YouTube feed). That might be the fly in the ointment.

These are the links to the cameras:

Camera 1 Feeding Area

Camera 2 Nest Box

Camera 3 Parapet

Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

(One bush does not shelter two Robins)

Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)