Cams are live here ... ... some lovely (albeit scruffy from tablet) footage from overhead cam to start us off
More footage from two different cams at same time
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
All out on ledge feeding and one cheeky one pulls a big piece for himself.( piccy not very clear soree)
Couple of vids Kate ... could only see four in the first one & got worried!
Thanks, Wendy and Kate and anyone I may have missed! I do wish they would not go out on the ledge, but I suppose at least it is fairly wide compared to a Peregrine. It is just a bit concerning that there is a risk of weird gusty winds around a tall building...
Kind regards, Ann
Another scary scap....
This one wants some peace...
This one cant make its mind up and after wandering up and down is now back in the box safe.
This is the wafty footage Kate, uploaded it cos someone on Twitter wanted to know where the fifth one was & I couldn't transfer your pics
Just a short while ago this one gave me such a fright, very adept at feeding itself but the balance still a bit suspect, was so relieved when it snuggled back with the others!
fabulous photos and videos, too -all!!!
Oh dear, there were only three visible,in box, then one toddled back from the right, so there were Four, but no fifth can be seen on any of the Cams...
One hops out, going left but turns and comes back in.
EDIT just after 08.00 here is the FIFTH....
and one toddles upto Dad before Mum comes rushing up with Prey
sorry have to go.......SYL