New thread ready for first pic of 2019!
2018 thread here:
Very pleased to add this link to a heart-warming story from BOT which Sandra has posted in main thread but will, of course, disappear very quickly ...
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Sandra P said:I'm back to not receiving any notifications at all 19:52 EN/EB as it's been for the past few hours
Sandra, I am only getting notifications of "likes" which is not important, I am not getting any notifications of posts which is important. Ian
Ian S said:
I am not getting any notifications of posts which is important. Ian
Thank you Ian, hopefully things will get ironed out soon (and I don't know why that part of your quote isn't by your name, more practise needed I think! lol)
20:26 A loud screech extremely close to the barn, nothing on view
22:07 One in for a matter of a couple of seconds before flying back to the exit
22:55 No more activity. Goodnight
Kind regards, Ann
I don't want any notifications but yesterday when I was posting I noticed a "send notifications of replies" under the posting box, ticked by default, but too late for me to stop the post and untick it. So I'm hoping not to get inundated and it sounds, from what y'all have said, that I won't ;)
Good morning 7:10 One in briefly, onto the front beam, turned around after a shake of its feathers and flew back to the exit