Nottingham University Peregrines 2018 ( all pics/vids their (C))

Here you go Kate, will leave 'posh' links to you!


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • I also want the video from last year removing from this forum that you took from the Nottingham NTU Falcon group again you didn't ask and there was no share button, no share button means exactly as it states, no sharing from a closed group or should I say copying and pasting or even copying the url, so please remove the video

  • Have already done that!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh dear Wendy

    Am so sorry that trying to please those  of us not on social medias, and

    so kindly calming our thoughts.You appear to have fallen foul of some rule, which of course was never your intention and nor would you ever post anything personal.

    Am pleased your further note has been accepted.

    As always the interest of our Lovely Birds is so appreciated.


  • Thank you dear Kate, always so supportive!

    Logged into cam & fortunate enough to witness this changeover which confirms still two eggs ...

    Great to see her looking so well!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good afternoon SunnyKate2,

    The rules of a closed group on Facebook is that there is only the comment and like Facility.

    When someone has taken days to collect the correct information and to have to do a post on what could have been an awful outcome, and then someone just comes along and copies and pastes it (which is not allowed within a closed group) elsewhere without even asking, I find it both an insult and very rude.

    There is a thing called etiquette, which Wendy never even considered.

    Wendy has done this several times over the past two years, not only information, but captures and videos too. Several of our members are upset that they were not even asked, as they spend many hours watching and recording the Peregrines.

    Wendy had been made aware of the rules last year, but she has still continued to copy things and post them in here, as for the videos, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will often use them for media purposes, it’s also not nice for them when they’ve put a video on their Facebook page, to have people tell them they’ve already seen it in here first.

    I hope that this clears up what has happened and the rules of a Closed Facebook group.


    Avril, Admin of Nottingham Peregrines Falcon Cam