Hello all, I don't have very good camera but I've been trying to take some shots of the invasion of siskins in my garden. In three days it has grown from 5-6 to around 30+. Its crazy, does anyone know if they will just stop here for a few days before moving on?
They all sit on my washing line but my camera isn good enough to take a picture showing them all.
Anywhere here we go...
Make me a coffee and put me in front of the kitchen window!
Even though your 30+ has dropped down to 20+ still..wow! I've only ever seen a fleeting glimpse of one on the walkway once and have never seen them in the garden.
I bet you could watch them all day :o)
Really, pretty little birds and we were only saying today how few reports of siskins we have received this winter. It's nice to hear of such a large flock and to see some pictures of them. I may have to make do with these as time is running out for me to see any 'in the feather'.
Watch out for swifts
I'm jealous!! The best view I ever had of a siskin was on Anglesey. The sun caught it's feathers so that they shone brilliantly. We very rarely get one in the garden.