A few outings out and about.

A few days in the yorkshire dales

Robin from the Garden

A young Male blackbird



Collered Dove


Red Kite

Local Wild flowers

Full Moon


That's them all, hope you liked them

  • Certainly did like those photos ILR,  such a great selection with beautiful sunsets, stunning wildflowers and the magnificent Red Kite and co.   Really have a soft spot for Dippers,  don't get to see them as often as I'd like so thanks for all your fab photos. 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Great photo's ILR. Like Hazy I don't see the Dippers often enough. Nice sunset.

  • Many thanks Hazel, so pleased you liked the photos, we had gone to the Yorkshire dales for the weekend as a family group and after unpacking I couldn’t wait to explore the River with the hope of seeing my first dipper. I went out and walked downstream of the river bank, with binoculars in hand, I scanned the shallow water and rocks, after a few minutes a kingfisher flew past me at the usual 100 mile an hour downstream. I had enjoyed the walk and on the way back it could have been the same kingfisher flew past me upstream. The following day I got up early hoping to see a Dipper and walked the same route as the day before with nothing seen I decided to head back when After about five minutes I saw something move and couldn’t believe my luck to see a dipper I crept up slowly towards it taking a few photos as I approached it until I was within twenty meters away. I was like a kid in a sweet shop so happy not only to see one but to photograph it too. 

  • Hi Snappy it was a first for me, I was over the moon not only to see a dipper but to photograph it too. The Sunset was fabulous, I had never seen one as good. My luck was in for a change to see the Dipper and a fabulous sunset what more could I ask for ? 

  • Lovely set of shots ILR, love the Dipper shots, they can be so steady.