In a Scottish country garden

Hi all, I'd like to offer a bit of background to this thread, if I may? We moved back to central, rural Scotland from S Wales in 2022 and have been adapting to but loving the solitude and quiet that has brought but, for me, it's the wildlife, the birds. We are SO lucky to have birds visiting the garden that I'd hoped I might see here. Now I see most of them daily so, I have a "few" photos taken from my den, (wee box room) where I look out directly at an Ash tree and our feeders. 

So, I'd like to share some of those images here, I hope that works or is the way it's done?

September 1st 2024

As an example, as I typed this, I spotted a wee bird landing at the base of the tree, turned out to be a young Robin. Robins are a less frequent visitor so I was up and grabbing a few shots when an adult shot in and chased it off!! Typical. 

This morning, my mood was totally lifted by the first (as far as I know) visit of a wee flock of Long-tailed Tits AND, a couple stood still long enough to photograph! Bonus Smile

Set September off nicely. Thumbsup


I don't think I've had such clear shots before, they're usually at dawn or dusk and in a hurry!

Really pleased to get these shots, I'm sure there will be more, they come through more often as the weather changes. 

  • Super shots... I agree, they are stunners... but they're so noisy en masses lol. Sun's just come out here, so I'm popping out and hopefully getting some shots of..... anything really lol

  • Sun? Really???? Wink It's actually not that bad today here, just low light. Thumbsup Hope you spot something perfect 

  • Super detail in the wings and breast feathers. Well captured Scozmos. I think Stanley for a name .... Stanley Starling ... Smile

  • They do have amazing plumage Scozmos, I like the pose in the 3rd photo.

  • Don't they just  ? I was surprised how that one came out, looks like I'm standing over it Thumbsup

  • I agree when they come into adulthood in the right light they look stunning.

  • Thumbsup ILR, I'm not sure we're going to get much more of the right light up here for a while but ..... never say never Slight smile

  • Good morning all Wave it's yet another dreich day on the hill this morning but, the feeders have been busy! I missed out on getting shots of a wee Dunnock browsing under the tree, they're a very seasonal visitor to the garden, another time.

    A host of Goldfinches showed up a short while ago, ok, about eight but that's a throng on one feeder!

    Apart from the Dunnock, the visitor of the day, so far, in fact, the last few days, is a wee Siskin, I'm not certain whether it's a young one or a female or both! 

    She's back now, sharing with a Goldfinch again, some birds are quite happy sharing, some not so.

    There has been a couple of Coal Tits whizzing in and out all morning, too quick for me ........ so far Wink and a young Great Tit visiting the dish on my window sill.


    The female GSW dropped by earlier on, she likes her nuts! Scream

    I think of her and the later male as being the original pair that have been visiting for a couple of years, they're both quite steady when I'm at the window, whereas others tend to hide.

    The throng of Chaffinches have been here off and on, there's around 20 / 25 of them! 

    That young female chased him off when he had a go at her! 

    And then ..... a horde of Goldfinches dropped by, maybe ten? Wink

    Almost a full house on the tall feeder until cheeky Tree Sparrow chased open away. See it?

    Orderly queues please!

    All ages in that group but, just look at this poor youngster!

    Hasn't quite found its style yet.

    The male GSW then leapt onto the suet ball feeder.

    At 160mm.

    Closer ...

    Closer ...


    The males have the red nape on their neck, females no red and juveniles a full red cap.

    But, while I was typing this up, another bird dropped by, again Thumbsup

    The Dunnock came back and probably keep visiting randomly now, which is nice Smile

    I'm off to the big smokey city now (Dundee used to be full of Jute Mills, it's not any more) 

    Hope everyone has a grand day Wave

  • Lovely Selection Scozmos, love the siskin