Out on the patch - August 3rd

I'd been seeing a few Willow Warblers along our back fence for a few days and remembered seeing them last year too so, there must be a nest, perhaps in the side hedge? Anyway, as I was out watching for them, I noticed a gathering of Tree Sparrows over by the steadings, probably 20+ and mostly youngsters so, I decided to head over that way for a wander.

I also wanted to check on the Barn owl nest box and saw one of them hanging off the front of it but it was off as soon as it spotted me, hoping there are young in there.

Where did they go?

I spotted one Tree Sparrow left on the old wooden gate and grabbed a couple of shots....


Bonus! A Whitethroat on the same gate and I only noticed when I came to edit the shot.

Young female House Sparrow

I started wandering round the back of the buildings, I've always wondered where the Owls go when they shoot off through the back wall, I wasn't going to find out today sadly, must fly off elsewhere. There's a rotting woodpile round there so I headed for that.

And there was a warbler, Willow I think? Foraging along the back of the shed roof.


At this point something caught my eye, right beside me.


A wee beauty of a Wren, well chuffed, they hardly ever stay still or close enough for decent shots mind you, I only got four and two were rubbish Laughing

The Willow Warbler was still poking around under the eaves of the shed.


I was standing in the field and all along the bank in front of me was tall Rosebay Willowherb, hence the misty pink foreground Laughing

I don't think I've ever had such a long period with warblers.


You can see there was a good breeze blowing by that first shot, I think this bird had just had a bath, I caught a glimpse of a very wet looking yellowish bird earlier.

I started walking back round the shed again and spotted the Gang of Four! 

There are four young Carrion Crows that drop into the garden early in the morning, looked like them, up to no good Wink


I spotted the warbler again, this time, having a bath! 

I finally headed back round towards the front of the shed, aiming to walk home ..... just one more check ......


Once again a Willow Warbler was in the weeds, right in front of me! 

Followed by a Tree Sparrow

Then the warbler hopped onto the fence right above me, these weeds are great camouflage!

That's it, dinner will be getting cold so, I made the move towards the house.

A young House Sparrow popped onto the wire tangle in front of me, they seem to either play in there or there's a nest among it all.

Walking away just isn't easy! But I finally did, for that day. Must go back across soon.