Holiday to Spain part 1

im going to try adding the photos from my holiday on here to see if I run into any problems or not since it has been many months since I tryed and I got more holidays coming up. 

on Sunday we went to Birmingham airport and went to tenerife from there. I wont go to a airport or cope at a airport or on a plane unless I have ear defenders  cause of my hypersensitive hearing which is part of my autism. at the airport we went through disability assistance since im autistic and struggle with crowds. it only decreases loud noises so I can still hear anointments or perople talking.  we we went on the plane and waited for take off. 

here you can see the views  as the plane takes off

and we went over the bay of Biscay. the plane guy told everyone this is the bay of biscay we are going over.

mount tede as we are landing. the volcano reaches all the way above the clouds 

brightened version to make it easier to see 

a better one.although Im using  it mostly for underwater since that is why I got it  I took a better one  with my waterproof camara cause my m6 ran out 


I also did a video of it so Iv taken some screenshots from the video 

screenshot from video 

 our Hotel was vigilia park in Los Gigantes when we got there I saw and heard a cricket outside the hotel  we found out the number of the apartment and then we went to bed when we got in cause it was dark.

it took my support worker a long time to find and get to the hotel she even suspects she ended up going up and down mount tide cause we were on a mountain. not to say she's a bad driver but she hated the curves and we made it without flying off it in the dark. something did cross and shoot past the car in the dark but what it was remains a mystery and present cause it was a blur. this made her unsure about going up mount tede but it being mount tede was a suspicion and weather it was or not was un certain. in the morning on Monday I heard birds so I recorded them with audio and got up early. then took pictures on the balcony at the hotel 

La Gomera in the distance 

the famous Los Gigantes cliff 

we went to the top floor and bottom floor swimming pool to see what its like. when we went to the top floor I saw a collared or Barbary dove. I dont know which cause they both breed with each other on the island. 

after that I heard a bird calling it led me to a shrub and I saw a bird jumping about it finaly came out standing on a open exposed branch so I quickly took a picture with my long lens 

canary island Chiffchaff

in the afternoon we went to look for information on excursions 

stay tuned for part 2 

  • Look out for hoopoes - and cockroaches.

  • unfortunately I didnt see any hoopoes or cockroaches but I did see other things 

  • I dont know if you know or not but people  arnt allowed to advertise on this site but we are allowed to share photos and exsperiances of things related to Wildlife with the other like minded people who also like the same thing. so if you enjoy my trips thats good and you can follow them but im not interested in advertisments or promotions im afraid and  people arnt allowed to adverise in the community. if you didnt know that before you do now so if you do it again after seeing my comment then people will need to report you  but if you dont then they wont report you. with that aside im glad you have enjoyed part 1 and I have already done a part 2.