Underwater camara for holiday this Sunday and a aerial fight between Goldfinch

I got a waterproof underwater camara so I can take pictures and film  while snorkelling. it is a Kodak Pix pro WPZ2 I have  been getting the hang of using it and getting used to it ready for holiday it has a CMOS sensor like my m6 but unlike the m6 its not as big as my m6 and is more designed for underwater photography rather than birding which is the main purpose but to get the hang out of the camara im using it outside first and then testing it in the water before going on holiday.  I filmed some Goldfinch flying to the tree out my window  and  then they started fighting heres some screenshot photos and the  film of the fight.

  • If it carries on raining, you will be able to go snorkelling in my front garden ... Anguished

    Have a nice holiday Zo ... Relaxed

  •  sorry I missed your comment. I went out this afternoon and for some reason   I wasnt notified of your comment  so I didnt know you commented. 

    Billysdad said:

    If it carries on raining, you will be able to go snorkelling in my front garden ... Anguished

    Have a nice holiday Zo ... Relaxed

    thanks. yesterday It didnt rain but today it has been so  at this rate yes even more likely cause its the same here.  

    particularly if it is still raining over where you are considering the time stamp says 14;43 and it is now 9pm as matter of fact I should be hoping you havnt flooded at this point.

    over here  it rained all late morning and afternoon today. I was going to go to the river severn today. the rain stopped at 12 pm  so we made my lunch and then as soon as I  went out the door it poured down. but we went anyway in case  it stops later on.  the river severn is based on a floodplain and  so technically I could well of ended up snorkeling in your garden being on a floodplain while its raining the only thing is I didnt have my snorkel with me cause its packed ready for holiday. but thankfuly it didnt flood though 

    joke: I dont know weather it has flooded  now but I wouldnt be surprised. - I could find out if it has flooded  or not and see if it can be aranged since  I could un pack my snorkel and go back  there. the flooded river could carry me there to your garden  but its too late now