Liberty Orchard 18th May

my m6 camara lasted flashing red from last weekend until the Thursday so almost a week. partly cause I been preserving its energy in between taking pictures cause of the low battery. my support worker ordered a snorkel I was after and I am preparing for my holiday ahead of time cause it is only in a few weeks.  next week I will be buying things for it and packing.   when I went to see my family Mum took my rucksack to my bedroom upstairs. I said hello to the dogs as usual and then I went to get my rucksack I charged up my phone and my camara and then we watched tv and later I went to Liberty Orchard. I hope you enjoy the trip

  • the weather wasn't very good and yet there were still birds and beetles 

    Flower Beetle 

    I found the flower beetle on the grass stem 

    I also saw a spider that resembles the cucumber spider 

    after that I saw this fella pollinating the dandalian 

  • there was indeed lots of Birds, Blue tit, great tit, Robin and Blackbird and  chiffchaff but a different one decided to show up this time. around that time it was mainly Chiffchaff but the different bird that came to the field today my family haven't heard there before called. the bird is a song thrush.  I recorded my walk across the hill as I run into a red admiral Butterfly with the song thrush heard calling in the background aswell