my Holiday to North Wales part 2

early in the morning I got up while my parents were sleeping and went out cause i saw and heard birds 

and I went out and went out into the field to take pictures the air was cold and it was frosty so I wore a coat

i inspected the holes and they were rabbit holes and dens or tunnels all over the place

I took pictures of them aswell as a few birds and plants and did some filming 

the sun had almost risen

I stayed out until the sun rose

then my family got up and Mum wasnt happy i went out without telling her cause she struggled to see me

even though i was still in sight range but i said ok il let her know if i go out early next time and where i will be 

if there still in bed. later we had breackfast and then we went to loggerheads country park nature reserve 

then we went to the beach 

then we went back to the cabin. when darkness fell upon us a tawny owl called 

and I managed to get the sea in the scene at the same time 

  • Thanks for your holiday stories Zo. You seemed to have had a nice time. I like the last video with the lights in the darkness and the owl hooting.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • thanks. yes I did we had a view of the beach outside the window of the cottage and we visited places local to the area. we also visited the beach every afternoon Tuesday to Thursday which made the beach even more interesting cause I dont know what im going to see each day and weather i will see something new. we visoted in the afternoon cause that was low tide and if we went in the morning instead we would of been walking in water. iv finished the part 1 and part 2. iv . just got part 3 to do. theres more to come in part 3. . im glad you liked the Tawny owl video I thought it would make a nice backdrop to the call. you moght find it interesting to know that the lights are actualy the wind turbines dotted across the sea. i know this from useing my binoculars to see what it was cause i wondered what on earth they were
  • i havnt had time to label all my pictures yet but i have finished the posts though. just got one more left to do and thats it. some new species iv seen on the beach so far i havnt seen before which was very exiting. honeycomb worm that is photo 16. and 17 anemone. night time has been just as interesting as during the day since we have seen what seemed to be a fox circleing us one night and now a tawny owl. however i had another exiting encounter at night the day after too but im going to try not to reveal it yet.