My holiday to Dorset 2

me and my support worker went to the beach. This year I lost my swimming goggles so I used some alternative goggles to compensate until I can get some swimming ones there. 

we were there for an hour. I went swimming for a long time and I was desperate to see what was under water. Im scared of water in my eyes but I want to be able to swim under water so I can see the Wildlife under water.  I tryed to go under water a couple of times then when I was feeling braver I decided to swim underneath the water for the very first time in my whole life and I swam under some seaweed and decided that I like it. I only stayed in the shallow end but it’s a start until im ready and I’m comfortable enough. 

as I got out the water I noticed these in the water when I looked closely they were completely attached to the Sandy ground and I saw a couple of these. I went to get my camara and took a picture then did some filming and went back to my support worker 

the next day Sunday in the morning we went to Swannage bay

I saw a very funny sign 

when we got to the bay I took some pictures and bought a frame for my photos or drawings and a book called the history and mystery of Brownsea island and a Purbeck and south Dorset Ordinance survey map from a shop

There was lots of gulls floating in the water, having a drink or being amusing or  mischievous  and picking things up and doing goodness knows what with them 

Black headed gull in non Breeding plummage 

 juvinile gulls flying over the sea

on the other side of the bay 

Herring gull.  the one on the funny sign 

it let people get quiet close along with the juvenile gulls. One Juvenile gull picked up a little girls pink beach towel when she left and walked backwards then changed its mind and put it back down

most of the Juvenile gulls and herring gulls were more interested in people rather than the water unlike the other side of the bay 

Godlingston Heath Nature Reserve 

Then in the afternoon  we went to Godlingston Nature Reserve and first we went for a woodland walk through there And I saw a couple of Puffballs 

we ran into a national trust volunteer who was taking pictures of the fungi. My support worker told her there’s lots of litter here and the lady said I know that’s why Im here we have to clear up all the litter and make sure there isn’t any left so it’s all natural. She told us she saw a fungi that looked like a ball. I said I saw one of those and showed her on my camara and she said that is what she saw and wonders what they are. 

as I went along I saw some bracket fungi 


Then As we continued down the path we found a bird hide where I saw a gray heron 

and 2 diving ducks but there one of the birds looked like a merganser 

there is a variety of birds you can see there but so far those are all we saw. the people that came into the hide were quick to come out cause there wasn’t much to see but I was there for a long time. My battery was very low at this point so I drew the lake that it overlooked then before it was time to go went for a walk through the Sand dunes 

I didn’t know weather my battery would survive the last part of the trip cause it kept going off when I was walking but I got lucky 


I saw some Gorse aswell as the Heather abouve and they get the Rare Dartford Warbler but I didn’t see one 

at as we walked along I saw a tree covered in a web 

And I spotted a wildflower 

After we passed the tree we came across this sign 

then we went to the national trust shop and I got a RSPB Seashore book 

then outside the shop there was an ice cream shop and I sat on the Bench and saw some swallows so I did some drawing after I saw them and then it was time to go so we went back to the car 

the next day we went back to Gloucestershire.  it took 3 hours to get back 


here is part 1

  • I hope everyone enjoys my trip.  I will be going on holiday again next month aswell

  • I decided to just do all the trips on one post since I didn’t have Much from the beach and the nature reserve but more from the walk to Swannage bay this way I could fit all the trips in at once and tell everyone about them. I liked the walk through the woodland and the sand dunes. But I enjoyed the other things I did the most 

    Forgot to mention but Iv added the link for those ones who have missed it or havnt seen it yet

  • It took days to completely transfer all the photos after my holiday. So I stayed in a caravan for the first time in my life and swam under water for the very first time in my life and I saw an interesting living thing in the sea and went to Godlingston Heath, one of the beaches nearby snd Seannage bay

    So what do you think of my photos and my holiday?
  • Here’s the link to the video in the post.
    The video was fine the day I first uploaded it onto this post but now it wont load so here’s a link to the video