Tawny Owls at Ulwell Park near Swannage in Dorset

 I like recording Wildlife calls not just take photos ans film sometimes so I do record birds sometimes And I know my Calls. when I heard this tawny owl I got exited cause I havnt heard one for a very long time now.With  my new camara im unable to record audio only. I can only film. I used my camara to film and take pictures but my phone just to record audio only. I did film it call but it was pitch black outside.  so I wanted to record audio instead  then I remembered I brought my phone this time 

So . I thought I would share the call of the Tawny owl with everyone. I heard a Tawny owl two nights in a row one the first night I stayed but in the evening after half past 8 then the second night it was after midnight 

i hope People enjoy it

Tawny owl (male) 


6242.5127.4010.4064.7178.5633.0312.7416.3010.1884.0172.3122.4113.2437.5732.6283.8284.0523.8420.4657.1581.3858.6521.Ulwell Holiday Park close Tawny owl 5.m4a

Tawny owl (female) . male at the end 
6052.1108.0081.0045.8877.1614.0121.7115.3618.6866.0871.3821.2465.7418.2046.2620.Ulwell holiday park 2 Tawny owls.m4a

  • If you do have any trouble let me know but I have uploaded it to Sound cloud cause I cant install my app that can help make sound recordings louder or anything else but I can link to the recording to sound cloud so if you do have any trouble there is this link just in case

     but again the voice memo audio recording files in the main post above should be hearable

  • I hope you enjoy it. I didn’t know there was going to be a tawny owl on holiday and  I love hearing tawny owls. it went on for a couple of hours on the first night Please let me know what you think

  • Tawny owls are very vocal at the moment. Certainly are here.

    Not sure what you're after re letting you know what we think. Do you mean you want feedback as to whether it's worth posting about, or something else?
  • what people think of the Tawny owl recording and weather they enjoyed the recording or not.

  • I am lucky enough to be in an area where they are still common. I say lucky, but they are very rowdy this time of year in particular. Not ideal at 3 and 4am.
  • Its interesting cause your in the same county as me and in your area in the same county as me there still common. Iv only heard a Tawny owl in my area of The same county once one year a few years ago and then that was it.

    Iv never heard one in my area of This county in the previous years or the years after The year I heard the tawny owl 

    iv heard one in Cornwall one year a day before going on a walk looking for tawny owls with a Ranger. And havnt heard any on the other holidays iv been on so this is my 2nd holiday iv heard one 

    the fact I don’t usually get to hear them and I like hearing tawny owls makes it even more exiteing when I finally get to hear one. If I ever hear one I feell lucky cause I don’t usually get to hear them

  • I used to see them and hear them in the city in the late 70's/early 80's. Not sure there are any left there now.

    Certainly plenty about still in rural areas and the edges of towns.

    I do feel lucky too, hearing them, and I certainly prefer hearing owls at 3 and 4am, rather than sparrows at 5 and 6am!

    On hols, we tend to stay (on the whole) in more rural or semi urban locations, so depending on the time of year, we often hear tawny owls while on holiday.
  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I used to see them and hear them in the city in the late 70's/early 80's. Not sure there are any left there now.

    Certainly plenty about still in rural areas and the edges of towns.

    I do feel lucky too, hearing them, and I certainly prefer hearing owls at 3 and 4am, rather than sparrows at 5 and 6am!

    On hols, we tend to stay (on the whole) in more rural or semi urban locations, so depending on the time of year, we often hear tawny owls while on holiday.

    Thats lucky you both saw and heard one. Iv only heard them iv never seen them. On The walk i went on in Cornwall a few years ago a couple of days after the night I heard the tawny owl - according to the ranger people normally see them aswell as hear them when they go on them but the day I went wasn’t the day cause the spot people normally spot it it wasn’t there so I was unlucky. I had my camara with me at the time aswell. But as usually happens when people go on the walk we did  hear the tawny owls. just didn’t see them. 

    I havnt had a chance to see one so that’s lucky you have had the chance to see them. I don’t get much of a chance to hear or see them even though I’m usually near farmland, hills, Brooks, Canals or parks that usually has a mixture of woodland habitat nearby or not far if not dead on in exactly the same location.

    So it’s not like I’m not any where near Tawny owl habitat and yet I hear no tawny owls year after year even though they are common. The orchard nearby is trying to attract them but weather there is even any in the area  is a mystery cause they are not heard In my part of the county not even during the seasons there vocal. I havnt heard them anywhere else in the county either.

    when I heard one in my loacation one year that coincided with when I saw the sign at the orchard saying there trying to attract tawny owls

    The one I heard that one year in my county was the very first time I heard one in this county.

    so the one I heard call that year must of just been a temporary visit cause there’s been no tawny owls calling since that year. 

    When I go on holiday it’s usualy more rural locations too but not usually semi urban though in my case. and usually stay in or near mountains, or a forest or the beach Depending on the holiday I’m going on. and it’s usually Summer and Autumn so cause we sometimes go on holidays in autumn the holidays can coincide with when there vocal and yet the only other holiday iv ever heard one is Cornwall. This one Dorset is only the 2nd holiday iv had a chance to hear a tawny owl. 

    as to why that is the case I don’t know though and exspeacialy as to weather there (is) even any tawny owls in my area of the county is also a mystery since I rarely hear any no matter what time of the year it is every single year

  • I can suggest a few locations for you, if you have transport up into the hills. There's a pub where my daughter worked that every night I heard owls. Also, somewhere on the outskirts of Stroud early morning, most mornings. Always nice to hear them when I am up and about. Not too disruptive when not up and about! But now is def a good time to hear and poss see them if you are able to get out late a night or very early morning. My photos of them here have been taken in the dark so not worth posting......