Question About the RSPB Calander competition

I’m thinking of entering a RSPB Calander competition where the winner will get there photo in the calendar which they will be selling online and in shops and other things if the person wins  it started today and it is until the 31st October   and I was wondering if anyone would like to know weather i manage to win the competition when the judges have looked at the photos and the judge has made a decision about the winner? 

  • By all means let us know how you get on Zo!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • iv entered the competition im hopeing I did do it correctly cause my email did  displayed the photos in a way I couldn’t put writeing aboive each photo but I did attach the photos and iv sent them 

  • I havnt recieved an email to say they have my email but I’m hoping they do and thst the resolution is good enough  and other things 

  • Still havnt had an email from them to confirm they have received my email with the photos for the competition

    I have entered some photos I took in Kent to the Kent Wildlife Trust Competion and no response to confirm they have my email I know they have both sent cause it’s in the sent box but no confirmation they have received my email either 

  • it occurred to me that they should know my pronouns just in case I do win for if my name is published so I asked about it and sent it a auto reply came instead so I just sent the submission anyway 

    but a few days later - today however I got an email saying 

    Hi Zo,
    You can enter with your preferred name and identity preference.  Simply add this as additional information with your images. Example; Photo taken by Zo Clark, He/Him.
    Your email is not published.
    Thank you,

    Victoria Bowers

    so I have re sent my email with the same attachments but instead with my pronouns next to my name that is how I went about this 

  • I forgot they did a 2024 instead of 2023 one for last year it’s very confusing. I pointed it out and asked if it was a mistake or not  but 2025 wasn’t a mistake 

    I asked if my photos have been sent to the competition and she said yes so that’s good news now that I know they have been successfuly submited I can let everyone know if I win or not for certain now 


  • since I said I will let you know iv decided to let you know. i wasnt chosen as a winner in this competition or the other Wildlife photography competition 

    but im going to do a wildlife photography competition again cause I know even though iv lost im a very good Wildlife photographer and im only going to get even better cause I enjoy it. also not only that i like entering Wildlife competitions.

     there will allways be a chance of wining and loseing in most  competions. even though i sounded hopeful cause I was exited I  still knew it wasnt guaranted so i was still prepared for the possibility of  loseing but passion, and determination is the best atitude with these things 

     if i tell myself i cant do it or  just think i dont have what it takes  or think I  wont do a Wildlife competition again  since  my photos lost   then my photos wont ever have a chance of winning in the future 

     but if i keep entering things im good at like Wildlife photography then I could still win. you never know one day i just might win so one day my photos might just earm the place in there Wildlife photography  competition like this calander  one day