Slimbridge Wetland Centre 4th August 2023

4th August

Rook on the sign watching visitors walk past 



Ringed plover or little Ringed plover. 

They do get little ringed plovers and have been sightings at slimbridge in the past 

Another wader 

Geese flying over my head 

In July Slimbridge took in some new otters called the Asian  small clawed otters 

they are endangered they arived on Thursday 27th July from new forest park and were first 

released on Saturday 29th July and there names are Sam and Tilly they have moved into the otter pool 

I saw a Meadow brown after 

I went pond dipping with my half sisster and her husband and her little child 

other people managed to catch fish but I mainly caught water boatmen and snails 

I did catch one fish though 



Geese in flight 

Young mute swan with seaweed on its head 

  • I wasn’t as interested in the Ducks as I was last time and I was with my Mum and Dad and half sisster. She is much much older than me she came over all the way from Dorset to meet us at Slimbridge they were the same ones I met up with at pooll and went to brown sea island with last year. Though my half sisster isn’t interested in Wildlife her daughter likes ducks and moorhens and coots and she likes feeding them and there are other animals for her to see aswell like otters. her husband isn’t interested in Wildlife but wanted to see the ducks with her daughter he has a Nikon camara and took pictures of the things that interest him but he mainly brought it cause her daughter wanted to take photos with his camara sometimes. I mainly had to do what they all wanted to do as well and they didn’t want to go back to hides they already been to so if I missed anything that was that 

    For me I was more interested in the hides than the waterfowl collections and I havnt seen the otters there for a long time

  • I did almost go to Stratford park instead cause I went off slimbridge after I found out all the ducks are collections and the ones not in hides and wanted to go somewhere else but I went anyway and I went cause of the bird hides

  • So what do you think of the photos?
  • The Avocets & Otters were good to see Zo, pics much clearer with your new camera, just a little dark!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    The Avocets & Otters were good to see Zo, pics much clearer with your new camera, just a little dark!

    Thanks. The ringed plover was one of my favourites cause I havnt had a chance to see a ringed plover somewhere before. I don’t usually get to see waders since the places I visit don’t usually have any and I havnt visited much of the hides at slimbridge . I visited the ones I havnt visited before when I went to slimbridge this time. Some have waders some don’t but I liked both. 

    I know slimbridge have had otters before but I didn’t know they had new arrivals until I went it was fun watching them 

    yes I struggled to get the right exposure with my photos sometimes  it was cloudy then later sunny so I had to change the exsposure twice but it was hard to see through live view screen. I’m hoping to get a viewfinder for my camara though to make it easyer to see  when it’s hard to see . I have found in spite of the ups and downs of not having a viewfinder for the camara itself  I have found the photos are clearer aswell

    we went to the observatory tower where you can see the birds and hilariously there was only cows the birds were on the complete opposite side of the observatory tower on the right completely out the way of the cows so I said interesting birds I havnt seen birds like that before I wonder how they got that big. Are they rare species or something and then my family member said ooh and developed 4legs like a mammal and I said yes.  interesting.