Holiday near Romney marsh, Kent

when we first got there I said hello to everyone and then I took pictures in the garden there was lots of Birds and Butterflys. I took photos of Starlings, House Sparrows and collared Doves and then later I spotted Lots of Butterflys on a Budlea Shrub and tryed to get photos of them flying 

then later on after lunch we went to the Beach. I took a few pictures and then I went in the sea.

The next day in the morning during low tide we went for a walk across the beach it was very sunny yesterday when I went in the sea but on Monday it rained on and off when it stopped raining we went to the Beach black headed gulls and herring gulls were flying across the strip we were walking along in a strait line as if flying through a tunnel which meant I could get lots of head on flight shots and they flew very low 

On the way there we saw a juvinile gull with a bad leg or a bad foot it was on one leg and when it walked it limped. But it could fly it just couldn’t walk so must of got injured or something 

as we carried on we saw the part of the beach where the dead whale on the news got washed up ashore I was going to take a picture of it but the day before we went to Kent my Aunty who took a picture of the whale told us it has moved now and that it was sealed off but we were going to see it but it had gone the day before we went on holiday to Kent so couldn’t take a picture of it the day we went to the beach in Kent but my Aunty has a picture of it. 

My family went to order a take away for lunch  and then on the way back I looked for sea animals and other Wildlife on the sand and I found a Jellyfish 

and whelk egg sacs 

It started raining really hard so we ran back to the house. We got soaking wet. After we got back to the house after the heavy rain it was sunny again so I went to take pictures and then did a bird puzzle with my Aunty and Dad then it was time to go back to Hucclecote 

  • Glad you enjoyed the next part of your holiday Zo, thanks for posting all about it.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Sorry about the late reply. Thanks for the comment. And that’s ok I like shareing my holidays with everyone in the community. There will be more holidays to come though. My family are making the most of the money they have this year cause they won’t be able to go on holiday much next year and a good babysitter thats good with a Romanian rescue that is distrustful of strangers cause of being badly treated in Romania we  were paying to look after all 8 of  the dogs when we go on holiday will be moving so won’t be able to look after the dogs while we are away anymore

    and it will be hard if not almost impossible with the Romanian rescue and to find someone to look after all 8 so another reason why they can’t go on holiday much if at all next year and that is why I’m going on holiday a lot this year so me and my family are making the most of being able to go on holidays this year 

    I’m going on holiday with my support worker who’s trained to support people with Autism and learning disabilities from my residential house a place for young people to develop  independent living skills.  i did lots of research on Strudland bay and told her about it so she booked it  we are going in September and we are going to stay in a campavan and go to a heathland nature reserve

    then in October I will be going to Cornwall with my family and in November I will be going to North Wales so I will be going on holiday every month after August so I will do a holiday post when I come back from Strudland bay and when I come back from Cornwall and North Wales 

     I went to slimbridge last Friday and stayed for the day on Saturday and asked Mum if she could send me the photo of the whale from the news from my aunty in Kent  and iv managed to save the photo it’s not disturbing or gory or anything and I was wondering if anyone would like to see the whale? 

  • Good for you Zo, have a lovely time on all your holidays. The campervan with your support worker sounds like fun. Look forward to seeing and hearing all about them. A photo of the whale would be interesting to see, thanks.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks and will. I love going on holidays and Wildlife watching. Ok I will send the photo. 

  • Its not graphic so hopefully not upsetting it isn’t alive but it isn’t graphic on the Thursday that week they cornered it off so no one could go up to it. they removed it from the beach eventually. and its a humpback whale my Aunty saw it on the beach and  kept us up to date the week we were going to be going on holiday to Kent and it was all over the news

  • Poor fellow. There seems to be a few happening this last while.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    Poor fellow. There seems to be a few happening this last while.

    Yes Me and my family found it quiet interesting when my Aunty took pictures and told us about it and then kept us up to date we didn’t know there was a humpback whale on the beach until she told us and sent us the photos She hoped we would get a chance to see it when we go that week before it gets moved but eventually it got moved  so when she went to the beach again she noticed it had been picked up and moved somewhere else before we could see it aswell so she let us know it was gone.

    If she didn’t get any pictures of it though I wouldn’t of been able to share it with everyone here in the community so at least she managed to get some pictures before it was moved 

    people don’t know the cause of its death but it’s suspected it died in the sea then washed up eventually exsperts identifyed it as a male humpback whale. humpback whales are on the endangered list So it will be interesting what conservation charity’s think of the news of the humpback whale being washed up there

     weather its a sign there recovering or not