Last day on holiday. Wildlife woodland walk with forest holidays in the Brecon Beacons

I was busy taking pictures around the cabin and then Dad told me it’s time to go on the walk otherwise we will be late I brought spare battery’s but when we got there I couldn’t find them so I had to take as much photos as I can with only one battery. I had to switch it off and on rather than keep it on to make sure I don’t run out on the walk 

The lady showed us through a gate and through the woods and showed us things like insects (and) invertrevretes and trees and fungi and birds and it lasted 2 to 3 hours 

She put these beetles into a container for me to take a picture of and then released them 

and then she went onto show me some other Wildlife there aswell 

Orange Spot piercer 

we came across a Bird which was difficult to make out but I still took photos 

then we saw a newt she let me take a picture of it in her hand then she let me handle the newt she took pictures of the newt and then took pictures of me handling the newt cause she was taking pictures on the trip for one of the groups she runs 

young newt

I asked Dad if he could take a picture of me handleing the newt then he gave the camara back to me. 

False Chanterelle 

after that She showed where to see some crayfish

The crayfish is the small lobster like looking creature in the water next to the leafs 

There was a ladybeetle 

And there was lots of toads all running across the woodland floor 

I also spotted a Cabbage white 

then we went to the resovoir and the lady got her birding scope out and showed us where what birds are where 

ironically it’s on the same strip I saw the geese and there young a few days ago 

We saw the geese again but There was also martins I tryed to get a photo of the sand martins but they were too distant for the focal length and crop I took it with my camara through the scope and still only appeared as a dot flying along the surface. She showed me a heron but that was too far for my camara and even with my camara through the scope and my camara was running out of battery aswell but she showed me a mergeneaser and I managed to get a photo of that 

and then a Buzzard showed up it’s not my first photo of a buzzard but this will be my first photo of a buzzard on an m6 and my first photo of a buzzard in Wales specificaly 

after this It was time to go I told the lady I saw a comerent and also told her I saw a greater black backed gull and with the cormerent and she said that they rarely get the greater and more commonly get lesser I showed her and she was quiet surprised. I showed her a few other photos aswell and then I was going to show the man learning from the lady but then My device went off but they said they would like to see my photos of the wildlife iv taken on the walk so that they can put the photos up on there wall for other people to know what to look out for when they go on the walk aswell so going to give me the email the next day at the visitor centre when we leave. When I went in the car I found the spare battery’s they were just on the seat cause they fell out of my packet and we were in a rush so I put a new one in. Mum said she was about to send out a search party for us cause we took 3 hours and we told her all about it 

  • "She put these beetles into a container for me to take a picture of and then released them"

    Now that's a longhorn.

  • sorry for the late reply. I Couldnt name all of them when I did the post cause I I was trying to transfer more photos from the holiday but it turns out I transferred most of them for this last part of the trip now anyway. it did take a long time to sort out my photos cause I took lots of pictures. there was all sorts of things in the woods I had to be careful about my battery cause I only had one battery so I couldn’t keep it on the whole time  but I managed to make it through 3 hours on one battery.
    I saw lots of the speckled longhorns there wasn’t just those ones there was also lots of soldier Beetkes and lots of the moths aswell.

    I saw the long horn beetles on a plant quiet a lot they seemed to like that plant and even though It was through the jar I found it alot easyer to take a picture of the Speckled long horns out of the jar instead of in it

  • I hope that even though I didn’t name it was fun to find out what it is