Holiday to Wales part 2

we went for a walk 

then later we went to the Reservoir Mum and Dad drove to the reservoir we went for a walk around it but not the whole resovoir but we walked round the other side. On that side we went through some woodland there was lots of ferns and lots of birds calling we saw views of the resovoir while we were walking along but the biggest view was out of the woods. 

In the woods I saw a wren then when we went out we walked along and then I spotted something tiny from the distance I was from but it moved and looked like a cormerent. I didn’t have a long focal length but I put the focus square on the bird and then zoomed in and took a picture with my lens. It wasn’t very close it looked distant on my camara so I cropped it 

as we walked back down we saw some Canada geese with there young

Then we saw a whole flock of them 

after this we went back to the cabin on the way back  we went into the woods  and walked out of a clearing

on the way back   I saw a Thrush

we saw lots of toads crossing the road there was what looked as if there was 100 of them they were migrating across the road and looking for a pond. We saw someone in the car about to drive and he spotted us looking at the toads so waited and rather than going down the strip we were on went down the middle. We think some might of still got run over when the car went over cause there was so many of them 
When we went to the car a toad was going past me but not very fast so I put my hand out for it and it went onto my hand then I put my hand down away from the road where it was heading for it run off so that one was safe for now then I got in the car and we went back 

on the way back we went to the visitor centre and the lady that works there usually saw me taking photos I told her about the toads and she said they get loads of them go into the cafe when it’s raining cause they don’t like the rain and she told Mum about a woodland wildlife activity so I asked Mum to ask about the details for it and she arranged it for the next day then we went back to the cabin but it ended up being cancelled cause of the weather the next day 

however the lady booked it for Thursday cause the weather was meant to be better